Author Topic: Time for set naps?  (Read 872 times)

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Offline afranklin

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Time for set naps?
« on: March 28, 2014, 20:15:42 pm »
Hello all,
I'm wondering if anyone has any advice to add to the set naps sticky... I'm just like she said: obsessed and every single nap and BT is a guess, and he usu. doesn't show tired signs until entirely too late.

I don't think anyone in the world is as obsessed as me... I chart it. I have a list of good nights, ut? nights and ot nights and all the A times/S times that led up to them.

I guess I'm afraid to start. Afraid of the OT nightmare. One question I have is what would I do if he has an OT EW? Move the nap up, yes, but really only 15min?

« Last Edit: March 28, 2014, 20:30:07 pm by afranklin »

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Re: Time for set naps?
« Reply #1 on: March 28, 2014, 21:43:22 pm »
The answer to your last question is yes, the idea with set naps and set BT is you only move the nap up to 15 mins earlier, even if you have a really really EW.

It really should help with your anxiety if you can let go a little of trying to help him sleep. You can set up the opportunity but it is his job to actually go to sleep.

How old is he?
~ Naomi ~

Offline afranklin

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Re: Time for set naps?
« Reply #2 on: March 29, 2014, 03:15:10 am »
Almost 15mos, sorry I forgot to say that.

Yeah, I do need to let go. I feel like if I can only put him to bed at the perfect time, he won't be OT and cry so painfully b/c he's so tired. And I often feel that 2 minutes makes the difference and that's just silly. And impossible. Impossible to be perfect.


Offline afranklin

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Re: Time for set naps?
« Reply #3 on: March 29, 2014, 03:19:33 am »
Oh, and:
With BTC, I wake him up at the appointed time each day. But do I wake him up from the nap? Or maybe set a max?


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Re: Time for set naps?
« Reply #4 on: March 29, 2014, 08:49:32 am »
Has he been on one nap for a while sweetie? Or are you in the process of the 2-1 and using a set nap to help you get settled?

I can promise you that at this age two minutes really won't make any difference. Someone said to me (and I found it veh helpful) to remember that there comes a point where all you can do is offer the right conditions and opportunities for sleep and it is the LOs job to sleep and if they don't then remember you've for everything you can.

What does his EASY look like at the moment? This will help with working out a good set nap and BT routine.

When I did set naps I set the nap and BT and let E wake up whenever she wished, and that way she learned to self regulate. But it also worked for her as she didn't really nap long before that so she wasn't getting too much day sleep. Others do need to cap naps quite early, so I'll be able to answer more when I've seen your current EASY.
~ Naomi ~

Offline afranklin

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Re: Time for set naps?
« Reply #5 on: March 29, 2014, 20:44:22 pm »
He has been on one nap for a while, two months or so, I think. Which I think is a bit early, but I was doing long morning nap and afternoon catnap and he started refusing the catnap pretty violently. We've gone through the period of "EBT is King" and 13 hour nights, and now he's pretty stabilized with one nap. I have a lot of trouble determining if he's OT or UT... unless he wakes up crying. I know that's OT.

These are going back in time. (Hitherto, I have not woken him up in the morning unless he sleeps past 7:45a.) He wakes up so quietly sometimes I've no idea if he's sleeping or not.

WU:6:58am crying
S:11:05-12:45 or maybe 1:06. Woke up crying twice during that time and resettled. At 1:06 it was a babble.
S:6:45pm with a 10m crying wake up early in the night (OT)-->11:40ish night

WU:6:45am shuffle/7:18am babble
S: 12:04p-1:41p
S: 7:30p (OT?, started trying at 7)-->11:30 hr night

WU: 7:20a?
S: 12:18-2:32
S: 7:45p with extreme protest. Don't know if it was OT or UT. This lead to an 11:30 hr night.

WU: 6:50? Got him at 7:30a
S: 11:47-1:39 babble
S: 7:23 with self-soothing cry outs in early part of night  --->11:50 nt

I'm shooting for this schedule, but very extremely absolutely happy to get your feedback. This schedule might lead to a little UT... I just don't know. He seems to do better with 12 hour nights, and 9:50 to 10:10 total A. But I don't know. Maybe 12 hours is too long and leads to a UT EW/OT cycle. :(

WU: 7pm
S: 11:45-1:45+
S: 7pm

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Re: Time for set naps?
« Reply #6 on: March 29, 2014, 22:57:18 pm »
He might be a little UT. I see many LOs on here doing 13 hour days with a 2hour plus nap and 12 hour days with a shorter nap. It seems many days you are getting a good nap so perhaps try for a later BT?
~ Naomi ~