He has been on one nap for a while, two months or so, I think. Which I think is a bit early, but I was doing long morning nap and afternoon catnap and he started refusing the catnap pretty violently. We've gone through the period of "EBT is King" and 13 hour nights, and now he's pretty stabilized with one nap. I have a lot of trouble determining if he's OT or UT... unless he wakes up crying. I know that's OT.
These are going back in time. (Hitherto, I have not woken him up in the morning unless he sleeps past 7:45a.) He wakes up so quietly sometimes I've no idea if he's sleeping or not.
WU:6:58am crying
S:11:05-12:45 or maybe 1:06. Woke up crying twice during that time and resettled. At 1:06 it was a babble.
S:6:45pm with a 10m crying wake up early in the night (OT)-->11:40ish night
WU:6:45am shuffle/7:18am babble
S: 12:04p-1:41p
S: 7:30p (OT?, started trying at 7)-->11:30 hr night
WU: 7:20a?
S: 12:18-2:32
S: 7:45p with extreme protest. Don't know if it was OT or UT. This lead to an 11:30 hr night.
WU: 6:50? Got him at 7:30a
S: 11:47-1:39 babble
S: 7:23 with self-soothing cry outs in early part of night --->11:50 nt
I'm shooting for this schedule, but very extremely absolutely happy to get your feedback. This schedule might lead to a little UT... I just don't know. He seems to do better with 12 hour nights, and 9:50 to 10:10 total A. But I don't know. Maybe 12 hours is too long and leads to a UT EW/OT cycle.

WU: 7pm
S: 11:45-1:45+
S: 7pm