Author Topic: Almost 10 month old schedule?  (Read 1480 times)

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Almost 10 month old schedule?
« on: March 31, 2014, 17:59:07 pm »

Just wanted to post my almost 10 month old's schedule and see if it could use tweaking before we have no other choice than to let her work it out for naps.  She follows the same schedule every day for her daycare and sleeps great there..just not at home.  Here is my previous thread that details our events and one of the mods there thought it might be a good idea to post our routine in case she is OT or UT.  (Although as I stated above, this works perfectly fine while she is at daycare...just not at home on the weekends).

Advice on 8 month old falling asleep by herself?

Wake:  0630 - 0700
Eat:  0700 - 0715 (Forked up banana / some cereal or yogurt and 3 oz breast milk)
Eat:  0930 (6 oz BM)
1st Nap:  10:00 or 10:30 depending on how grumpy she is (at daycare she usually goes down by 10:30)
She typically only sleeps for 1/2 hr so up by 11:00
Lunch:  12:00 pm (Solids / (2) 4 oz jars of food / Usually a veg and fruit of some kind and 3 oz BM)
2nd Nap:  2:00 (at daycare she usually goes down from 2-3:30 / at home another 1/2 hr nap)
So up by 2:30 or 2:45
Eat:  3:00 (4 oz BM)
Eat:  5:00 (Solids / (2) jars of food / Usually a veg and fruit of some kind and 3 oz BM)
Eat:  7:00 (6 oz BM)
Night time:  7:30 (Pretty consistent with sleeping through the night)

Thanks for the assistance / suggestions....

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Re: Almost 10 month old schedule?
« Reply #1 on: March 31, 2014, 21:09:20 pm »
I would look at the differences between daycare and home and see if they might be contributing to the differences in sleep. So where does she sleep? Is it noisy in one place and quiet in the other? Light v. dark? Has she had more physical activity and stimulation at daycare than she gets at home perhaps? Does she use a paci or comforter? Do daycare just lay her down and she puts herself to sleep or are they in the room when she drops off?

The other thing to consider is whether she is trying to fill her mummy/daddy cup? So is it possible that she misses you guys when she is at daycare and so in the days she is home with you she looks for you as soon as she stirs or doesn't want to go to sleep and be without you? It can be hard for LOs who are away from their parents during the working day to separate sometimes.

You say she may have separation anxiety. Have you checked out our FAQ in the issue? Separation Anxiety

The other thing to consider is that she is entering the 2-1 nap transition stage. Check out our FAQ on the 2-1.
From 2 to 1 nap transition (10-12m and older)
She probably doesn't need two long naps every day any more. Maybe she is catching up on daycare days and less sleep in those days would leave her more tired for her days at home. Which days is she in daycare?

Would she go down any earlier for her morning nap at home? I'm just wondering if that would give her more time to get tired for her PM nap and she might be able to do a longer one.

Have you ever tired resettling her when she wakes after 30 mins at home? Is she happy or crying and still seeming tired.

What time is she actually sleeping at daycare? Is it 2hrs from 10.30-12.30 in the morning and then 1.5hrs from 2-3.30pm? That is a lot of day sleep very close together! Are they sure she is actually sleeping all that time and not spending some of it settling or laying awake?

I hope you choose to use an alternative method to CIO. Tracy used to say there is always a gentler way, we just have to find it  :)
Cadan Dec 2009 and Colby Aug 2011