Author Topic: New schedule required - we've lost every part of our routine!  (Read 660 times)

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Please help, we really need help to find a new schedule and how we get there.  We've always had sleep issues, mainly due to me creating props in the beginning.  However, after only a few days of PUPD DS who has just turned 8 months learnt to go to sleep in his cot by himself and we had x2 1.5 hour naps and sleeping through the night.  It was bliss, I thought we'd cracked it.  But then.....  Two teeth arrived and he got a cold and now its a mess.

He is really off his solid food, hasn't really had any for weeks.  He's BF more regularly but lots of snacking going on - no routine to this at the minute either.   We've had early wake ups of 4:30am for the past few days, 30 minute naps, 1 hour naps or 2 hour naps.  There is no consistency what so ever!

What a mess, this situation and me at the minute!

I'd really appreciate some guidance as to where to go from here:

Today he woke up between 4am - 4:30am, left him in his cot then PUPD until 6am.  Then he started his nap at 7:35, he's still asleep now.  I fed him at 4:30am, he wasn't really interested, I tried to feed him again at 6am but again he wasn't really interested.  Tried to give him solids at 6:30 - he really wasn't interested.  Tried to BF him again at 7:15 - he was hungry this time but fell asleep so woke him to put to nap.

Its now 8:55 and he's just woken up...

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Re: New schedule required - we've lost every part of our routine!
« Reply #1 on: April 01, 2014, 15:46:45 pm »

So, he slept for 2 hours 15 minutes at 2nd nap (mostly in my arms being rocked, but I thought at this stage sleep is better than nothing especially with his teething and cold.  He woke up at 3pm so I plan to do BT at 5:30pm.

From reading other posts it looks like its recommend to keep A time at 2 hours 30 minutes max before bed, is that right?  What if he's had a long sleep like this?

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Re: New schedule required - we've lost every part of our routine!
« Reply #2 on: April 01, 2014, 17:40:44 pm »
At 8 months the guidance is 3hrs A but many need more than this, it's just guidance, it will give you somewhere to start.
However, sounds like your little man hasn't recovered fully yet so I would go easy for a while longer and just try to watch cues, it's hard to listen to your mummy instinct and to feel you can trust it but I'm sure you have more mummy instinct than you realise and will do the right thing for him.

I would prob have aimed for more like a 6pm to 6.30pm BT based on the length of nap, length of A, and age.

Is he early waking every day at 4am ish?