My 6mth old little catnapper started solids back at 5mths ( in a bid to help the short naps!) so we are now on 3 x meals a day. I used to have some luck resettling the first sleep and have tried EVERYTHING including PUPD for the naps and have finally accepted it now he can at least stay up a couple of hours on a short nap. He very occasionally will do a longer sleep but those days are very very rare now !!
Anyway my query relates to the lunch meal - as he only does 30 - 40 min sleeps, this is a rough idea on his routine.
We had been doing roughly 4hrly breastfeeds but SO confused if it should go to three feeds a day like the health nurse has suggested. I don't want to feed solids right before 2nd nap but also don't want the little guy to go to bed hungry so have been doing the below
A - Between 6.45am/ 7.30am
E Breastfeed , then breakfast as soon as he gets up
S - 2hrs after wake time so today it was 8.45am
A- 9.20am
E - 11am Breastfeed
S- About 2.15hrs after wake time so today will be around 11.40am
Will sleep for about 35mins
E- SOLIDS - 1pm
Breastfeed - 3pm
S - Will be around 2.30am/ 3pm - He is fighting this nap though even though he really needs it. I'm sure I am overstimulating as we get out as much as possible as there's much more of the day to fill with a catnapper!!
Bath at 6pm and feed/bed soon after.
So should I be feeding solids at 11am instead of 1pm ?
Apologies for the layout - I am new to the forum!
Thanks in advance!