Author Topic: How long was your avg/lsn 14mo sleeping for day and night?  (Read 907 times)

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Offline lolsyb1982

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K seems to be needing much less sleep these days and is fairly happy on it, mummy on the other hand would like some more!

She's at a cm 4 days a wk. Her nap there is around 12.30 to fit in with the others. Unfortunately she's been waking early for months so from 5am that's quite a stretch and then she only sleeps for about an hour. By the time we get home she's shattered and going to bed at 6. She will only do 11hrs even after short nap.

Come Friday and weekends I have been doing nap at 11 which she then usually sleeps for 2.5 hrs. I've been trying 6.30 BT which is making her day longer than 13 hrs but am desperate to try and change these early starts. I stuck with it for 4 days last wk but no change, in fact she's waking up earlier and only having a 10.5hr night so wondering if 13hrs total is the max that she needs and should I cap nap at 2hrs?

Did any of you cap naps at that age? Just don't know where to go now with these stupid early starts.

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Re: How long was your avg/lsn 14mo sleeping for day and night?
« Reply #1 on: May 18, 2014, 07:52:20 am »
Hi Lauren, I'd say that 12.30 is probably giving an OT nap with the 5am starts, but you have little choice don't you really - would the cm possibly put down 30 mins earlier as a trial? I mean if she gets a 1.5 hr nap out of it then she's not really loosing out on her free time :-\

I'd say 6 hrs A is about right, and that is why you are getting a good nap at 11am following a 5 am WU.

A few thoughts if the nap can't be shifted or altered.
- have you tried a 6pm BT on CM days? - sometimes  if you catch them before they are too OT they actually sleep longer.
- have you tried w2s at 4am or so?


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Offline lolsyb1982

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Re: How long was your avg/lsn 14mo sleeping for day and night?
« Reply #2 on: May 18, 2014, 09:13:12 am »
Hi Sara

I think the problem at the cm's is she takes them out every morning to a baby group or another activity and so by the time they're back and had lunch it's then 12.30. If she was waking up at 6/6.15 then that nap time would be perfect  ;)
I do put her to bed at 6 on cm days but she won't tack on and will only sleep for 11 hrs. I'm quite limited aren't i in options really!

Suppose I could give w2s a go as a last resort x

Offline LovelyLilyandJack

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Re: How long was your avg/lsn 14mo sleeping for day and night?
« Reply #3 on: May 18, 2014, 13:08:26 pm »
Do you think there's any chance she would go back to 2 naps for 2 or 3 days so you could push bedtime right back and get her wake up closer to 6? Jack averages 10.5 hrs at night and very rarely goes over 11hrs (max ever is 11hrs 20), so his bedtime is 7.30. We can't go any earlier than asleep by 7 really,  cos he doesn't tack on any longer than that. We managed to get bedtime later at the end of the 2-1 by doing a few long 2 nap days.  He did get a bit OT but sorted himself out by sleeping later on the third morning.

Offline lolsyb1982

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Re: How long was your avg/lsn 14mo sleeping for day and night?
« Reply #4 on: May 18, 2014, 17:21:17 pm »
The cm won't do 2 naps. Could do 10/15 mins maybe on way home from work at 5ish and try a 7.30 bt?

I've tried it before and she's usually had a shorter night from OT but never tried it for a few days running...
We've had a couple of 11.5 hr nights but recently they're 10.75/11.


Offline LovelyLilyandJack

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Re: How long was your avg/lsn 14mo sleeping for day and night?
« Reply #5 on: May 18, 2014, 19:51:44 pm »
Jack handles OT really well and he did do 2 short nights and very long days at first, but then he sorted himself out.  Do you think your LO can handle a couple of longer days? Will she cat nap later in the day, even? I ask cos jack won't - I'd have to do an early,  capped nap in the car and then probably another shortish one in the afternoon cos he wouldn't take a good nap after a morning cn. But jack is very lsn so your LO will probably be more flexible!

It sounds like your LO is doing decent nights,  it's just that you're stuck in an EBT / early rise loop. I guess the other way to shift BT and hopefully WU is treat it like daylight saving and move BT by 15 minutes at a time,  every 3 days. That might be a gentler way to do it?

Offline lolsyb1982

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Re: How long was your avg/lsn 14mo sleeping for day and night?
« Reply #6 on: May 18, 2014, 20:15:16 pm »
She never used to but as she's got older she does handle better. Nowadays if OT we might get a brief wu 3/4 hrs after BT but it does sometimes equate in a 9hr night  :o
After only a short hours nap at cm she's shattered and I'm usually trying to keep her awake in the car on the way home so think if I let her CN she would.

Yep that's definitely our problem with early rise and early bed. Just can't seem to get out of it!!
So suggesting do BT of 6.15 for few days then 6.30 and so on..

Hmm not sure which will be the best route. Need to decide.

Thanks LL&J