Hi, I am trying hard to extend my DS awake time. He is 8 months old and struggles to happy past an hour and 45 mins awake time, despite sleeping for 12-13hrs at night! I have tried and tried to extend his first A time in morning but he just wakes after 30 mins if i leave him any longer then 2 hrs. Having established this, I now put him down after 2 hrs awake time and am trying to stretch the awake time between this nap and the next. However he is super cranky from the hr and 45 mins!! We have got to 2 and a half hours awake time and I get a decent nap time from this, but again, like clockwork, he wakes at 30 mins, leaves his eyes open and goes back to sleep!! Does anyone else have this? Is it just the new routine? He has always been good as gold at night, but i do notice always he looks to be awake every 30-40 mins at night swinging his arms about, chewing his hands. Should i be worried?
Look forward to any replies, suggestions