M is just over 3. He's always been a high sleep needs boy. We had been moving his nap and was doing well with it at 2pm. Lately he's been chatting in his crib until about 2:30, but he falls asleep. I wake him at 3:30 to save BT, but he's a monster fussy boy the rest of the day. He always says he's tired and wants to keep sleeping. His day is
7:30 - WU (I usually wake him)
2-3:30 Nap (though he's not falling asleep until closer to 2:30)
7:45 - BT (He usually asleep around 8pm, we start routine around 7:40/7:45)
It seems like he's tired when I wake him in the morning and from his nap, but when we gave him longer naps he wouldn't settle at BT. I'm sad if naps must go, but I'm not sure what to do!