Author Topic: too long A times, not enough sleep?  (Read 932 times)

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Offline chirojaz

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too long A times, not enough sleep?
« on: May 19, 2014, 17:28:08 pm »
My DS (7.5 months) seems like he has really long A times for his age (3hr50min in the afternoon) and is now frequently waking up after 9 or 10 hours of night sleep and just playing.  I'm assuming these are "cot parties" because he was UT during the day and he needs an increase in his A times?  ??? but I don't know how to do that without making his day super long and have a super late bedtime. 
Currently his schedule looks something like this…

up 6:45 (I have been rocking him to sleep if he is having a "cot party" and waking him up by 6:45am so our day isn't too long)
nap 10 am (3hr15min A time)
up 11:15 ish
nap 3:05 (3hr50min A time)
up  4:20
bed 7:50

He is never taking long naps because I either wake him up in the morning (after at least 1hr + nap) so we can go about our day with DD, or because he just takes a less than 1.5hour nap. 
If I increase his A time in the am and pm he is going to go to bed super late and I'm just not ok with that. 
Is it ok if he only naps like 1hr in the morning and 1hr in the afternoon?  That just doesn't seem like enough nap times.  Also, I hate that I am constantly waking him up in the mornings and for his naps.
He has STTN recently but its just not consistent and I'm thinking its because his day time schedule needs to be tweaked?
I'm leaving him with my parents in a few weeks for two nights and really need to get this on track so he isn't waking up in the middle of the night with them.
Please help!!! I'm at a loss  ???

Offline Sarah - Enfys' Mum

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Re: too long A times, not enough sleep?
« Reply #1 on: May 19, 2014, 17:39:02 pm »
Rather than cutting both naps to an hour, why not have 1 nap of 45 minutes and 1 nap of 1.5-2 hours? 

Offline chirojaz

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Re: too long A times, not enough sleep?
« Reply #2 on: May 19, 2014, 22:49:36 pm »
I thought about that.  Is it ok to have the morning nap be 45 minutes and a longer afternoon nap?  It would be soooo nice to have more of a break in the afternoon and have my DS nap while DD is napping!  If currently his A time between naps is 3hr50min with over an hour nap in the morning, what should it be if I cut his am nap to 45min?

Offline Sarah - Enfys' Mum

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Re: too long A times, not enough sleep?
« Reply #3 on: May 20, 2014, 17:45:25 pm »
Yes, it's okay. It's the start of him dropping down to one nap. If he's doing 3:50 after an hour's nap, maybe try 3:15? 
Wu 6:45
S 10-10:45
S 2-whenever - or 4 hours before you want bedtime
What do you think?