Author Topic: 1 year old refuses to eat or drink anything at daycare after 4 weeks!  (Read 1441 times)

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Offline Newmom321

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  My baby has never liked solids. She goes to daycare 7am-4:15pm. She gets put in high chair for snacks and lunch time. The problem is that she clears everything off the tray onto the floor and throws sippy cup away. Then she cry and wants to get out of the chair. Daycare workers says she refuses to eat or drink anything the entire time at daycare. They also offer her sippy cup during playtime that she also refuses. I give her favourite food, breast milk and water. Tried juice and regular milk. Nothing works.

When I pick her up she breastfeeds. The rest of the day is spent with her eating while she is playing (because now she also refuses the high chair at home... I'm assuming it's related to daycare), breastfeeding and drinking water. At night she wakes up multiple times to breastfeed. She is healthy and her iron is good.

I'm freaking out. She has been in daycare for 4 weeks already. Still nothing. Teachers keep giving me the same report. I told them not to force her to eat. Just to offer and hopefully she will take something. I'm going crazy. How do I fix this situation?

At home she only eats spinach, cottage cheese, apple, banana but mostly dry stuff like puffs. She refuses everything else. Mixing food does not work. She knows how to drink from sippy cup. How do I deal with these food issues? What do I do with daycare? My entire day is spent in worry.

« Last Edit: June 04, 2014, 05:32:37 am by Newmom321 »

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Hugs - I can understand your worry, I think we all worry about food at some point.

It sounds like you've all got into a cycle of her feeding at night to make up for the missed calories in the day, and then skipping meals in the day because she has fed in the night and is not hungry enough for her solids meals at day care.  It may be that you need to be more consistent with meal times at home - set times for meals and snacks, sitting in the high chair and cutting night feeds to really establish how and when meals are going to be and stick with it. Babies don't starve themselves, without the offer of alternatives she would eventually accept the food at day care and more variety at home.  She might shout about it quite a lot for a few days but if you are consistent the turn around shouldn't take that long.

Is the food at day care provided by you or the day care?
Is there any opportunity for you to go in and visit during a lunch break to help her eat there?