Author Topic: 4.5 mo old wants to eat every 2-3 issue or routine issue?  (Read 1121 times)

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Offline rumecosa

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Hi everyone,

This is my 3rd DS and I've done the baby whisperer with all of them, but I never had a great supply with the first two DS so with this new baby I've really been trying to focus on the feeding more than the schedule. I have made sure to do the E.A.S "routine" with this baby though, so he hasn't gotten used to falling asleep on the breast or anything like that, but the problem I'm having is that he wants to eat every 2-3 hours every day.  usually he'll do a couple 2 hour stretches and a couple 3 hour stretches.  Never more.  I have no idea how to put him on a 4 hour EASY routine if he won't even be on a 3 hour one.  He takes 40 min naps wayyy too often, and usually 1 good nap a day.  He wakes up erratically every night anywhere from 1-3 times.  He has reflux and gas.  I'm afraid if I push him to wait 4 hours and stick to it, that my supply will suffer.  I have read that breast milk can be absorbed in as little as 2 hours, so some babies can go longer but some really can't.  How am I supposed to know???  I know the signs of hunger, but at 4.5 months he sucks on his hands all the time from teething so that isn't an indicator and he fusses all the time from the short naps too, so I can't ever figure out whether he's starving or I'm accidental parenting.  He's a very quick eater, always has been...about 5-10 min on each side, and I always offer  both but never take him off of one to give the other, and I always put him on the one he came off of last to try and give him some more hind milk.  I would assume he's snacking....but...he does it exactly the same, whether he goes 2 hours or 3...he's never fed for 15 min and gone longer or fed for 5 min and definitely been hungry after 2 hours.  Make sense?  Anyway, I'd love some advice. Thanks
« Last Edit: June 19, 2014, 21:47:41 pm by rumecosa »
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Offline MasynSpencerElliotte

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Honestly I have never gotten a "perfect" EASY with any of my babies (first two were mixed fed, DD3 ebf until 5/6 months). Many ebf babies cannot sustain the 4 hr routine until a bit older - we ended up doing more of an EAEAS once the A times got longer so that the E didn't fall in the middle of a nap. That's the great thing about bw - it is a routine rather than a set schedule so it can work really well with demand feeding.

Offline danaadell

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I was worried about going to the 4 hour EASY (we barely do a 3 hour routine--45 minute naps woohoo). I spoke with my pediatrician and she said many EBF babies never go to 4 hours. I am going to stick with 3 hours until he tells me otherwise (sleeping longer; not wanting to eat at 3 hours).
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Offline *Ali*

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Yes it is really common for EBF babies to not make the 4hrly feeds this early especially if they are short napping. I would just feed him when he is cuing for a feed and concentrate on letting his gaps between feeds extend naturally when his A times and naps increase.

Frequent feeds can also be a relief for reflux so making sure that is under control, with meds if necessary, should also be a priority. 
Cadan Dec 2009 and Colby Aug 2011