Author Topic: Moving EASY into the daycare. Where do I start?!  (Read 1112 times)

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Offline lauradj

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Moving EASY into the daycare. Where do I start?!
« on: June 11, 2014, 02:33:27 am »
DS is starting daycare in August, he's 10 months now but I'm not really sure how to prep him.  Their nap schedule is totally different than ours and I'm still giving him three bottles a day!
At the moment DS is awake for 3.5-4 hours, so he naps at 10am and 3pm.  Their schedule seems to have the kids napping at 9:30am and 12:30.  There is no way my monkey is going to go for a nap after only being up for 2.25 hours!  I have emailed the manager to ask how set nap times are.  I don't want to inconvenience the staff but I'm pretty sure he won't go down after being awake for such a short period of time and I can't imagine he'll be ready for just one nap in a month and a half.
Also, what to do about the mid-day bottle feed?  Do I replace it with a snack?  He eats lunch at noon, has an 8oz bottle at 2/2:30 and conks out at 3.
Too many questions!!!

This is his EASY:

6:00/6:30- WU, has bottle immediately, breakfast 45 minutes later
10am - S
11:30 - WU
12:00 - E (solids)
2/2:30- Bottle
3:00- S
4:30 - WU
5:00 - E (solids)
6:30 - Bath, bottle, bed

Offline Erin M

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Re: Moving EASY into the daycare. Where do I start?!
« Reply #1 on: June 12, 2014, 03:33:03 am »
I'd probably let the bottle stay until closer to a year -- or see if he 'll take his formula in a cup -- and then replace it with a snack when you get closer to the transition.  As for the naps -- how long will he be on that nap schedule at daycare?  At some point he'll transition into an older room and then he will have a different nap schedule.  My guess is that he'll short nap the first nap and hopefully be ready for a longer nap later in the day.  All 3 of mine have napped with varying degrees of success at daycare and it seems like they do settle into the nap routine there eventually.  Having had 3 go through entering into daycare I'd most likely just not stress too much about it and see how it goes.  Things tend to be so stimulating at daycare and tiring that a lot of babies sleep more there anyway!

Offline lauradj

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Re: Moving EASY into the daycare. Where do I start?!
« Reply #2 on: June 13, 2014, 17:52:28 pm »
Thanks Erin! 
It's really important to me that he stays on three bottles for as long as possible as he's not a big eater.  I ended up emailing the daycare manager and she said there's no problem with the care givers giving a bottle at some point in the day if needed, so that's encouraging.  Though I imagine I really should have him down to two bottles by a year.
He'll be in daycare three days a week so I'll probably adapt their routine at home to keep it consistent.  I suppose I can try tweaking our nap routine at home a couple of weeks beforehand so it's not a complete shock to him.  I don't think 9:30am will be a huge deal but 12:30, we'll see how that goes!

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Re: Moving EASY into the daycare. Where do I start?!
« Reply #3 on: June 13, 2014, 20:27:58 pm »
My LO started nursery at 11 months and to be honest naps were hit and miss. I'm the end I had to try and not worry about it and just let it be! If naps were rubbish I'd do EBT, and he survived ok. I kept to my normal routine at home. I'd got my DS on WU and BT bottle by then but he was a big eater.
For us things got more consistent when he went into toddler room on 1 nap and napped at 12 with the rest. He's 25 months now and still naps at 12.15 at nursery but 1pm at home as like Erin said nursery is more stimulating.
Just try not to worry too much even though it's harder said than done.  :)

Offline Erin M

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Re: Moving EASY into the daycare. Where do I start?!
« Reply #4 on: June 14, 2014, 12:00:15 pm »
It sounds like they'll be good to work with, if nothing else!  Sounds like a good plan with the bottles!