Hi again...I have tried couple of times putting her to into her cot and told her that there is no milk night time...she gets extremely upset, trows herself in the cot, heats her head and screams in tears..she is 17,5months old now but having great difficulty to sleep. She uses breast as a prom. She terrifies if my husband tries to put her to sleep and same thinks happens as above..
She is at least getting up 6-7 times a night and cries and it could be as bad as 13-14 times...I feel sorry for her as much as I feel sorry for myself...if I stop breaks feeding all together (which I don't want to) I wonder if situation will improve or do I need a professional help?? I feel very helpless...
I am also thinking leaving her with my husband and staying with my friends for 3 nights this wknd (only at night times...)
Our daily routine is as below;
8:15 wakes up - breast feeding
9:00 breakfast
11:00 fruit
12:00 lunch
1:00 -3:00 nap
3:30 snack
5:00 dinner
7:30 baby rice with milk
8:00 i take her to bed and she can not sleep until 9 sometimes 9:30
Thank you for your help and advises...