Author Topic: Time between morning bottle & breakfast - routine advice needed  (Read 935 times)

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Offline rachaelcole

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I am returning to work in around 6 weeks time. My little girl will spend 3 mornings per week with childminder/grandparents. She will be 8.5 months when I go back so still has formula but also has 3 meals per day. I was wondering what other people do about getting up & out of the house? I have to leave by 07:30 & don't know what to do about the time between her bottle & her breakfast? For me to get out of the house in time there will be only about 15mins between finishing her bottle & starting her breakfast-I'm worried she won't get enough to eat.

She is currently offered 4 7oz bottles a day & usually takes most of each one, but my HV is suggesting I cut out her mid-morning bottle. I think it would be better to keep it as a snack between breakfast & lunch?

My thoughts were that our morning would look like this:
Wash, clean teeth, get dressed etc

Does anyone have any experiences or thoughts?
Thanks in advance :-)

Offline MasynSpencerElliotte

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Re: Time between morning bottle & breakfast - routine advice needed
« Reply #1 on: June 21, 2014, 03:40:43 am »
Would the childminder or grandparents feed her breakfast? That is what I do - bottle on waking and then breakfast at daycare. As for cutting a bottle, I would leave that a bit - the rec here for up to 9 months are 24-32 oz and after that 18-32 oz. My DD3 is dropping her afternoon feed herself, she was taking 4 x 8 oz but now does 3 x 7 oz and 1 x 4/5 oz.

Offline <Catherine>

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Re: Time between morning bottle & breakfast - routine advice needed
« Reply #2 on: June 21, 2014, 07:39:07 am »
We did that too - breakfast would be later (he was coming to work with me at that point so I have him breakfast when we got there).

We dropped to 3 bottles nearer to 10 months I think. At that point I switched bottle and breakfast, but mainly because I have an older child so found that doing us all breakfast together (especially when trying to get ready for work/school etc) was a whole lot easier, and he then has his bottle when he gets to childcare.
Catherine x