Hi Everyone,
I'm back, and I have no clue what's going on. My 21 month DD has been waking up for the past 5 mornings between 3:45 - 4:45am screaming for me. She usually will stop screaming within 10 minutes. Then she'll go back between calling for me and being quiet. She throws out all her blankets/loveys from the crib, and will ask for them. She doesn't fall asleep, and we keep her in the crib until 6. Her EASY is:
Awake - 4:30
out of crib - 6:00
Nap - 12:00 -12:30 (i'm not sure what else to do)
Awake - 1:30 - 2:00
Bedtime - 6:30 (an hour to fall asleep)
Any clue as to what's going on? What should i do? I thought this would subside but it's already day 5. Please help!
Thank you!