I'm a bit confused. I thought the idea of Easy was to follow a times that suited lo. So as they got older the a times naturally increase. Of course, at some point, naps need to be limited in length or dropped (3-2,2-1 etc) to fit it all in. What I'm wondering is how does nap capping fit in? If Lo naturally gives you an UT nap first up and a better one later in the day, would you bother increasing first a time to get a longer first nap?
FOr instance currently, at 8.5mo we get at 55min nap on a 3h a time, the next nap 3-3h30 later on is 1h30-2h long. BT is 3h30-4h later. Do you push out the first a time so the first sleep is no longer UT and then cap it in time for another 7hr+ worth of A time for the day, or do you just leave it UT and hope they keep going to sleep for you?
I'm a bit confused.... some clarification would be great!