Author Topic: How to get our routine more consistent? Every day is completley different.  (Read 3873 times)

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Offline Honeymonster

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Ok today went totally haywire with two 45min naps and a 20 min cat nap.. Despite pushin a times a lot.. Maybe I've pushed them too quickly but I managed to get her down to an early bedtime of 6pm,, which I've never managed so hopefully tonight won't new to disastouris. I'm going to enjoy the weekend as have realities from Australia visiting and try not to stress too much then start with a much stricter approach on Monday and stick to it for a whole week and see how we go. Do you think it'd be too much just to push morning A right to 2.5hrs and then hold to see how we go? I feel if I'm going to try and extend naps consistently all week if anything it's better if she's slightly OT than ut as if she's ut and I try to resettle her she'll just get frustrated.

To make things worse we're just coming into a wonder week.. Or wonder month it seems from my app.. Suddenly she hates getting dressed and undressed and has been super fussy all day.. Is it a bad time to get strict with our routine?

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I'm pretty sure Tracy shifted naps (A time) by 30 mins so I don't see a problem if you want to do that - you are already aware of the chances of OT, I think Tracy used it to her advantage in that eventually they sleep and the routine is established. I would try to resettle if you get 45 mins WUs and use W2S to help transition if needed too if you are going to really go for it next week.
Good luck. And have a lovely weekend with your relatives :)

Offline Honeymonster

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Sorry I keep posting more questions creations.. Don't worry if you don't have time to respond. We've been really struggling to get a long first nap and I'm wondering if her long night affects this? She ends up having an early bedtime as she's OT and sometimes wakes at 6 for a feed but I treat this as NW and put her back down as other times she sleeps right through to 7.30- she always goes right back to sleep but this often throws our feeds off for the day a bit so Today she woke at 6.30 for a feed and I just kept her up and put her back down after 2hrs 20 and she's currently been sleeping for 1hr 30 .. The longest we've had in the morning for a few days. I'm just thinking that although she's OT and needs and EB her long night then affects th next days naps? I didn't really want to get in the habbit of getting her up at 6 each day though as we are aiming for a 7.30-7.30 day as that's what will fit in with work etc. and often she does sleep until then. Hmm so much to think about. I've been thinking about it and ideally I'd love her first nap to be the longest followed by either another long nap later or if we did have to get out in the afternoon then occasionally this could be replaced by two shorter naps and hopefully that wouldn't throw things off too much? Maybe if she wakes after 6 I should just be getting her up and hope this slowly extends to a bit of a lie in? Don't want to make a rod for my own back though? Hmmm.. Need to get a clear plan in my head for Monday!

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I would choose a time you call night and a time you call day. In your case I think 6.30am/7.00am looks like a reasonable 'day' so if she wakes at 6am I'd just resettle, feed if needed yes, maybe she would take a smaller feed or go off to sleep with shush/pat?  Even if it's a full feed and throws off the feed times I would still treat it as a night wake as you have been doing. So pick a time and stick to it.
At WU offer a feed then count her feed times from then, even if she doesn't take a full one first thing when she wakes, a top up is fine.

I wouldn't try to reduce her night to get her to nap - it's more that you need to get her tired enough for the nap. So a long A or same length but more stimulation (either mental or physical or both) in that first A time.  Maybe after getting up earlier the 2hr 20 A was just right. Maybe 2hr 20 would be right even after a later WU - you have to experiment with it and see...or it might be that a 2hr 30 A is going to be right. Sorry I don't have the answer, increasing the day quite dramatically is just what some need whilst it would be unsuitable for others so it's down to your mummy instinct and experimentation to see what works.
I really think you are getting closer though, don't you?

Offline Honeymonster

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Yeah your rifht.. Def getting there.. I'm not great at all this trial and error and having to wait a whole day to try again if it all goes wrong :-) ha ha. Oh well I have a few weeks until I go back to work to get a bit more sorted. I feel a slight nap obsession creeping over me again,. I need to chill back out :-) she's such a good wee baby regardless of how often she's up in the night or how often she naps. I'm lucky really. Have a nice rest of your weekend. X