Hugs. Reflux is hard to deal with.
I agree with Katherine about PUPD. Its not a good idea for a reflux baby.
Sounds like we are going trough same the things although my lo is 6m.
She has never slept trough the night. I df at 10.30 and then I feed her whenever she wakes up (between 1-3). She was waking at 5.30 to feed (i used to feed her but using the diluted formula thing she stoped needing it) now she wakes most of the time at 6 and 7. Today lucky me it was 7.

Some babies cant go trough the night without a feed so I`d check for that. Offer a feed and its just a snack its not hunger. My lo takes 6oz at that feed so I know she is hungry.
Also I wouldnt worry about the paci. Its the same here. When she wakes up early from a nap I replug and most of the time she goes back to sleep. I am aware I use it as a prop but I`d go crazy with out it, so I dont care.
What I learned going trough this process, and what I`ve been told by the ladies here is that when it comes to reflux you just do what ever works for the lo. Letter on, when lo is better you fix things.