Quick question:
My 5mo LO is still on a 3hr EAS schedule and wanted to know how to move towards a 4hr EAS
His naps have been short, so his A time is 1.5- 2 hrs long.
Today's schedule is this (he does not usually give me a 2hr nap so I have to shoot for 4x 45min naps):
Wake up 6:30
E 6:30
A 6:30-8:30 (2hr A time)
S 8:30- 10:30
E 10:30
A 10:30- 1:20 (2.50 hrs A time)
S 1:20- 2:05
E 2:15
A 2:15- 4:15 (2hr A time)
S 4:15- 5
E 5
A 5-7 (2hr A time)
E 7
BT 7:30
DF 11