my LO is 16 weeks old and feeds every 4 hours. he sleeps really well from about 7.30/8pm when he has his last bottle (about 8oz of milk). He then wakes at about 4.30/5 and takes a feed between 4 and 5oz. He then goes back to sleep and wakes between 7 and 7.30am.
My problem is that when he wakes in the morning, he's not hungry, today he has just had about 2oz since getting up (it's around 9.30 now).
He has never really taken to the dreamfeed, but I wonder whether I should try that again to help him get through the night?
His routine looks a bit like this (when it's working!!):
7/7.30am Wake up
9.30am sleep
11am eat
1pm sleep
3pm eat
5-6pm nap
7pm bath
7.30pm eat and bed
4.30/5am feed and straight back to bed
My question is - do I wake him earlier in the night to feed him so that he'll be hungry in the morning? I don't like that idea but thought it might work. OR a friend suggested I just start my 4 hour routine when he wakes in the night - but what about naps if I do that? Do I simply change the eating time but not the sleep or activity time? OR is there some other suggestion you might have?
I think I might try the dreamfeed again, but last time we did that he woke more in the night

Also he seems to take ages to take a bottle - sometimes an hour. He is on the teat for his age and the milk does seem to come out ok, but he just doesn't seem to be the best eater in the world.
Thanks for any help