Author Topic: Dropping night bottle when lo isn't taking much milk during day  (Read 2385 times)

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Offline Chloevalentine

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My lo is going to be 13 months and we are down to just one bottle at night before bed. I give him a sippy in the morning but he only takes about 3 oz and maybe another 2-3 during the day from a cup. Sometimes I even just hold a cup and let him drink from it as he takes more this way then from the sippy. I'm hesitant to change the night bottle to a cup because as of now from the bottle he takes about 9 oz and I know if I give him a cup he will only take a little bit. The pedi says he should be at aroubd 15 oz of milk total. I was waiting until he got more accustomed to taking more from the cup befire I switched the night bottle. Any suggestions ?

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Re: Dropping night bottle when lo isn't taking much milk during day
« Reply #1 on: July 26, 2014, 12:43:39 pm »
I was waiting until he got more accustomed to taking more from the cup befire I switched the night bottle. Any suggestions ?

My suggestion is carry on with what you are doing! There is no rush to get rid of the bedtime bottle providing you are cleaning teeth after the milk and before sleep. My DS had a bed time bottle until he was 2.5 and DD was 18 months, it didn't cause them any problems at all.


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Re: Dropping night bottle when lo isn't taking much milk during day
« Reply #2 on: July 27, 2014, 00:38:42 am »
Thanks so much :) lately he just sucks down however much milk he wants pushes it out cuddles with me for a minute or two and he wants to go in his crib to get comfortable and go to sleep :) I just wonder if he would even sit in the chair with me and drink out of a cup ?

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Re: Dropping night bottle when lo isn't taking much milk during day
« Reply #3 on: July 27, 2014, 09:23:13 am »
I would change your routine to do milk (bottle) first then brushing teeth before going into his crib, as Laura said it's no harm to have a BT bottle but teeth do need to be brushed.
Teeth brushing was one of the reasons I chose to drop the BT milk but I kept a large milk drink in the morning.

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Re: Dropping night bottle when lo isn't taking much milk during day
« Reply #4 on: August 02, 2014, 11:21:31 am »
Once I switch from bottle to cup how long do I need to offer the milk before bed? Is it something he will do until he's 2? Or will he just drink his milk during the day and not even want it before bed? He doesn't seem that interested in it. He's more interested in going to bed after his bath it seems.

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Re: Dropping night bottle when lo isn't taking much milk during day
« Reply #5 on: August 02, 2014, 12:16:55 pm »
Once I switch from bottle to cup how long do I need to offer the milk before bed? Is it something he will do until he's 2? Or will he just drink his milk during the day and not even want it before bed? He doesn't seem that interested in it. He's more interested in going to bed after his bath it seems.

Completely up to you! There aren't any rules about bedtime milk, if he isn't interested then I would stop offering but not refuse it if he asks for it. You can offer a cup of milk with meals as a substitute if you want him to have more milk during the day.


Offline Chloevalentine

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Re: Dropping night bottle when lo isn't taking much milk during day
« Reply #6 on: August 03, 2014, 22:17:40 pm »
I found a cup that he likes with straw and I tried giving him more milk during day so that if i drop bottle at night and offer cup and he doesn't  take much he would have had a decent amount during day but I did notice that he didn't eat as much dinner and id rather him eat good meals and not fill up on milk. This is tricky. What's an average on how much milk 13 mo old should be having?

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Re: Dropping night bottle when lo isn't taking much milk during day
« Reply #7 on: August 04, 2014, 08:43:04 am »
Depending where you are the guidance is a little different. In the UK the guidance is roughly (minimum of) 10oz or 0.5 pint of milk or dairy.
The guidance here is a little higher, they are all rough guides though.
Milk intake - what you can expect between 6 months to 12months +

This might be a cup of milk and a few oz of cheese or yogurt or a milk sauce or pudding for example.

Offline Chloevalentine

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Re: Dropping night bottle when lo isn't taking much milk during day
« Reply #8 on: August 05, 2014, 11:17:49 am »
Last night i tried to give lo milk in a sippy straw cup instead of his bottle and he cried and got so upset and wouldn't settle :( I ended up having to put some milk in a bottle. I've never had a problem dropping any bottles before with him and he's been drinking well from the sippy so I thought he was ready. He's never used a pacifier or his thumb and ajways goes to bed awake no problem. Such a good baby. so I felt so bad when he got upset with me taking it away. I'm going to give it some more time before I try it again. I'll just try to make sure to brush when he's finished. My dr says even just use a damp cloth and just rub them afterwards.

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Re: Dropping night bottle when lo isn't taking much milk during day
« Reply #9 on: August 05, 2014, 15:09:21 pm »
My lo often doesn't co operate with teeth brushing of an evening (mornings can also be a struggle) so when that's the case I will use a damp cloth to give them a wipe  :)