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2 breastfeeding questions for yall!!!
« on: August 18, 2014, 04:31:02 am »
I had a few questions and Im not sure where one goes but its semi related to breastfeeding so I thought I would just get yalls opinion on both!!
1) What have yall found to be foods that YOU eat that cause lots of gas for your baby? I feel like sometimes I eat things I shouldn't bc I don't think about it or I avoid stuff I don't need to. Especially dairy....I was only thinking milk was a big culprit of tummy issues but I heard butter can be an issue too?! My diet is getting a little bland and carb heavy at times!
2) Have any of yall had periods while breastfeeding? A friend of mine found out she was pregnant but didn't know bc she hadn't had a period since she had her son 6 months ago, so she never missed a period to tip her off. She mentioned that most people don't have one while nursing but I just started for my first "OFFICIAL" time since DS was I was wondering if that meant anything like my milk isn't good or something lol!!! I will say though it has been a strange one, not nearly as heavy any NO cramps.


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Re: 2 breastfeeding questions for yall!!!
« Reply #1 on: August 18, 2014, 04:39:41 am »
All three of my kids were MPI so all dairy bothered them, even butter or dairy hidden in things. But it wasn't that they were just causing gas, there were a myriad of other symptoms. Tbh I never pinpointed any foods strictly that caused only gas.

A lot of women do get a period while bf - I did 1 out of 3 times but at that point I was mix feeding (though I mix fed with all three so not sure why this last time I got it sooner). Mine was super super heavy, but thank goodness the next one was not so bad!

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Re: 2 breastfeeding questions for yall!!!
« Reply #2 on: August 18, 2014, 06:12:09 am »
Agree with pp... Some people find that their diet really affects the little one, but others just eat as normal! I was bf'ing but again my baby was mpi so it was a difficult one to know!

i got my period when i finished breastfeeding at about 20 weeks both times, but some people get it back very quickly. As far as i am aware there is no known link between periods and milk quality/quantity.
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Re: 2 breastfeeding questions for yall!!!
« Reply #3 on: August 18, 2014, 07:44:36 am »
Periods do often return during BFing and they may be regular again or they may be less often. They are especially more likely to return when LO is going long periods of time between feeds either over night, when solids are introduced or 4hrly for example. I think with DS2 I had one at 5wks pp, 8wks pp and then not again for months. With DS1 I didn't get one until 9mo. I only had two and got pg with  DS2 by 11mo. Mine were lighter and shorter in general while BFing.

I don't believe it is connected to quality of milk but it can make the milk taste different and LO may fuss more or nurse less if he doesn't like the taste. Many women also notice a temporary dip in supply while menstruating and LO will want to feed more often. It really does vary from one individual to another. 

Butter is made from milk (obviously) so if milk is an issue then butter and any other dairy would most likely be as well.
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Re: 2 breastfeeding questions for yall!!!
« Reply #4 on: August 18, 2014, 17:45:21 pm »
What does mpi mean? My pediatrician wanted me to cut dairy bc of ds tummy issues and I didn't consider butter or other dairy things...gosh. So having a period is normal but it may change my supply so ds may feed more?? He's pretty much every 2 hrs during the day...sometimes I can stretch it. At night he MIGHT go 3 hrs but it's generally still 2-2.5 hrs.


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Re: 2 breastfeeding questions for yall!!!
« Reply #5 on: August 18, 2014, 17:54:40 pm »
And also...When does this cluster feeding stop? I don't remember it being this intense with DD but that's probably bc she was our only baby at the time and was on bottles after 3 weeks so DH could help ;)


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Re: 2 breastfeeding questions for yall!!!
« Reply #6 on: August 18, 2014, 19:55:14 pm »
MPI is milk protein intolerant. MSPI - lots of info here - please read!
I think tracy suggested stopping cluster feeding around 8wo but some mamas do so for longer if it suits them.
Cadan Dec 2009 and Colby Aug 2011