No, once they start solids they aren't on a 4hr easy anyway. Normally the 4hr easy would run 4-6mo max and then LO would be eating more often with milk and solids combined. Plus the longer A times often mean LO is asleep at the 4hr mark anyway so people either have to bring the next E forward or leave it longer. My DS1 was doing a 3hr A time and then a 2hr nap so was going 5hrs between his first and second BF. That was fine for him as he ate a decent breakfast of fortified multigrain cereal and fruit/veg. My DS2 was lower sleep needs so did a 3hr A time and only a 1.5hr nap but he couldn't wait until after his nap as he wasn't big on solids in the morning. I just brought his second BF to before the first nap and that meant he was only going 2.5hrs between his first and second BF for a while. I then actually didn't BF him on wake up from his first nap (he wasn't hungry enough) and just did solids first and the third BF of the day later mid-A time or sometimes end of that second A time if we were out. Sometimes you just have to be a bit creative.
I wouldn't limit the breast milk you give him. It is fine to offer more solids if he needs it in addition to the extra breast milk but I would make sure it is nutritious and doesn't contain lots of sugar or salt. So not endless amounts of rice cereals, rusks or fruit for example. Meat and veg would be my first choice if offering in significant quantities. I would limit it though as you don't want his milk intake to drop, especially at such a young age. Just because a baby will keep eating solids doesn't mean it is the best thing for them. My kids now would happily eat biscuits all day in place of healthy food but obviously I know better, yk? I can't tell you a specific amount to limit it to, you just need to keep an eye on his milk intake and if he starts to seem less interested in that then I'd hold back on the extra solids for a bit.