I should add that the 6-8h has only been on the rare occasions when we haven't given a df! And of course not at a time when we could make the most of it, so don't envy us too much! I confess I haven't even tried expressing or offering a bottle yet, DS never took a bottle and I couldn't express at the beginning, his first expressed feed was in a cup at 6mo, so his dfs were always straight from the breast, I never realised it could be a problem, maybe I should try pumping... just seems too much hassle!
I can relate to the gassiness, do you use infacol? Do you manage to burp her after the df? My DD can do this without waking up, although DS never did. She still wakes with wind though, this morning she woke with hiccoughs and the first sound I heard from her just before 4am this morning was a poo, I think that's what woke her rather than hunger!