Hi Im Sarona,
I am new to this forum so this is my first cry for help on here!! I am quite desperate now. My two year old boy hasn't slept through the night since he was born. He has pretty much suffered from nasal allergies and blocked nose throughout his two years. When his nose gets better he suffers from teething. He has and always wakes up at night looking for one or two feeds to go back to sleep. When he is sick it is worse. We use to co-sleep up until a month ago when we moved house…now he sleeps in the same room as his sister but in his own bed. He goes down well for the night but insists I sleep next to him. Then he wakes at night crying and looking for me or for dh. He use to wake up around 2am but now its getting earlier and earlier. Around 11:30. We try to not let him cry too much as we don't want to disturb his sister who has to get up for school. She is 6 years old.
We put him back to sleep once or twice now at night and then we give up trying. Instead we let him sleep in our bed. I know this is wrong but we both have been so tired and also suffering from allergies and colds.
Does anyone have some advice…I am so desperate for some sleep and need to recuperate.