Thank you.
Update: yesterday we had another all day fussing while BF. We tried everything, either everything we could: burping frequently, keeping him vertically upright, but hr would few and cry constantly from the afternoon till night (cluster feeding). I haven't been extending his feed thinking he had reflux. I realize my breast were very sore with lots of lumps, he wasn't really sucking hard with all that fussin in between, as a last resort we gave him 120ml of formula (he 5 weeks tomorrow). He drank it peacefully and was at ease since. I breast fed him shortly after and he slept for a good 3hours!
Now 2 thoughts came to mind:
1. If he's having reflux he would fuss still with formula? THis maybe points to my low a supply or his impatience of waiting for the next let down.
He seems to feed well when I feel there's a good supply going on and the milk is let down quickly.
What do you ladies think?
2. With the 3 hour sleep and no fuss, as oppose to the hourly if lucky sleep and distress cries to the point of tunin red while feeding... I'm tempted to call it quits on BF and go with formula, though I know this isn't the answer.