I totally understand you. Good job on doing it for that long with gassy baby!
My DD is mostly gassy at night which makes me totally exhausted. I also feed her every three hours. Last two days tried to implement cluster/dreamfeed and all gassy things that would normally happen at 7-9 am started happening at 4am.
I am trying to move her legs after each feeding today . Maybe that will help. But in the night it is difficult of course.
I decided to cut on many products to help her and to feel less guilty. But not sure what to eat??
Dairy... Do the goat products cause the same issues as cow's products?
Butter and cheeses will also be considered problematic?
I stopped eating any fresh fruit and any vegies at this point. Someone told me that even oatmeal can cause stomach issues. Not sure how long I can stand such a diet since they say you have to cut things at least for 2-3 weeks period.
Then wheat, nuts, eggs. It is frustrating and discouraging to me also.
( I am coming from a Post Soviet background where such a diet is a sure thing for each breastfeeding mom... Crazy...)
Sorry I popped in like that. Maybe this comment/complain should be on a different board
I have very sore nipples and she has a tongue tie which makes breastfeeding not enjoyable and painful most of the time ( even with constant use of the nipple shields). But I really want to stick with it because of so many benefits ( my DD is only 6weeks old ). On the other hand it really is exhausting when nothing really helps to solve the problem.
Sorry I am no helping. Just really understand what you mean...