Dear friends,
I'm thinking of trying set naps again... anything I do seems to be an epic fail eventually, so why not try it again? I'm getting into the 'bad' times again.. where his sleep consumes me. I don't have my face in my phone, but I have my face in this little book where I write down every sleep/wake time-- constantly. Tired of it, ya'll. And tired of failing at getting my baby the sleep he needs consistently.
Mine is 19 mos.
He's waking around 6 nowadays (though this is NOT consistent.. sometimes 7), so yesterday I started with 'set naps' at 11:30a and in bed at 6:30 (he usu takes 30m to fall asleep). I've revised it to in bed for BT at 6 b/c I think the other is too late, even on a good day.
My question is:
If he by some miracle sleeps past the 6am mark (ever) can I then inch up the nap correspondingly? Like, if he slept until 6:15. Obviously a UT nap is horrid, too. So is the 'set nap' schedule really something like this: 5:30 first A, then BT (in bed) is 12 hrs after WU no matter the nap length... until you get to the desired WU time? (Or at least a consistent WU time, then you inch up).
If he sleeps later than 6 at any point from now on, do I move the new set nap and BT accordingly, and hold it there no matter what? (since my goal is to move his WU time later?)
My goal is:
7:30 WU
1-3 S
8 S
thank you for your support.