Author Topic: Routine tweaking or something else?  (Read 1390 times)

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Routine tweaking or something else?
« on: August 30, 2014, 19:10:04 pm »
Her routine has never been perfect due to reflux but in general it was like this
wu 6.30-7
bottle 7
solids 8:00/8:00
nap 9:30-11:00
bottle 11:00
solids 12:00/12:30
nap 1:00-2:30/3:00
bottle 3:00
solids 4:30
6 bt rouitine 7ish bottle and in bed not letter then 7:30
Df 10:30 and NF 2ish
But this past week things started to change, she started prolonging A time on her own.
It started with the second nap, it went from 1:00 to 1:30 for a few days.
Now, in the past 4 days her routine is all over the place.
She has 4h of A time which means that when she`s ready for a nap it time for a feed, and then after the feed she has at least 30 minutes of A time.
So her days are like this
wu 6
bottle if she is crying a lot 6 if not 7
breakfast 8:30
nap 10:30-12:00/If feed her at 11:00 nap is 11:30-12:45
if she didnt took a bottle before the nap I offer her after, if she did I ofer solids 30 minutes after the nap.
bottle 3:00
nap 3:30-5/4:00-5:30
Solids 30 minutes after nap
bottle 7
Bt 8:00 or 8:30

She has multiple NWs, with most of them being after the 2am feed. I`ve tried weaning it but she was waking more and was obviously hungry.
The routine that I`ve posted about the past 4 days is rounded. She can even go 4 1/2h between naps.
I`ve tried putting her down earlier but she cries and wont settle if she is not sleepy. Could this be growth spurt? Or she is it because she`s older and can stay up more? Or is is something else?

I dont know how to go on about her days now.  I know that I can make bt 7 again if I wake her up at 4:30 form the second nap but how do I manage nap time and feed time being at the same time?
« Last Edit: August 31, 2014, 09:53:58 am by dache »

Offline jessmum46

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Re: Routine tweaking or something else?
« Reply #1 on: September 01, 2014, 06:55:26 am »
Hi, I'd have thought looking at the routine that was working and what's happening now that your LO is probably OT. You've gone from fairly short A times to huge ones in the space of a few days, and while jumps can sometimes happen, that much seems unlikely. The NWs also sound like OT. I'd be looking at other things to explain the upset - teeth? Developmental? Separation anxiety? 

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Re: Routine tweaking or something else?
« Reply #2 on: September 01, 2014, 10:46:48 am »
Hi Kathrine. Thanks for your reply.
I thought that the jump in A time was odd. Developmental leap would explain it I guess.
She is a lot more mobile and talkative then before. Cheeky monkey wont crawl to the toy but she slides her bum to it. She is crawling only backwards.She doesnt have any teeth yet, we are expecting them since she was 5mnts old  ::)

Just now I feed her and she fell asleep during the feed. Usually she`d be wake for 30 minutes at least. What to do about the feeds?
How do I go about her days ? Do I wait it out and when it will be over she will go back to her old routine (some changes off course)

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Re: Routine tweaking or something else?
« Reply #3 on: September 03, 2014, 08:17:19 am »
I would probably try to aim for a similar routine to previously, but maybe increasing A times a touch so if first A was previously 3h, see what 3h15 gets you and take it from there.  Have you considered trying some pain meds to rule out teething pain?

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Re: Routine tweaking or something else?
« Reply #4 on: September 03, 2014, 09:00:03 am »
The last two day its been v bad.
She wont go down for naps or bt. After she falls asleep naps are ok in general, just once she woke up at the 45 minute mark and I couldnt resettle her.
But after bt she wakes a lot. Before its was time for her df she was probably woke up at least 4 times. And yesterday when she woke up at around 8. 30 I couldnt calm her down.
She hates rocking, pat/shh. I do modified pu/pd (i pick her up and hold her, patting her bum, or walking around until she calms down then put her down, and than the same again.) but she doesnt like that too.
So I took her to the living room with me, and we set there, she needed a lot of  cuddling to calm down. At the end my sister put her to sleep because I was upset and worried and I didnt wanted her to pick that up.
I gave her paracetamol, but it didnt made any difference.
I tired playing music in her room, but most of the time she cries too loud to hear it. It did work this morning for the first nap.
I do try to keep the similar routine Katherine, but if I try to put her down and she is not tiered it get very bad!
So in addition to her day routine being a mess, she now started waking all hours at night and wont go back to sleep. What worked a little is if I cover her eyes with my hand (although we sleep in a very dark room) but she`ll calm down for 15-30minutes and she`s up again. Im at a point where I worry that my hand will become a prop. And the bottle too. During the day she is ot by feeding time and she is dozing off while drinking milk.
What about the music? I guess I dont mind it but still, I dont want to make that a prop too. We already have one, the paci (which she wont even take if she is too upset)
Oh, sorry Im rebelling. Im very confused tbh, we had a lot of bad days and nights but this is different then anything before so Im lost.

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Re: Routine tweaking or something else?
« Reply #5 on: September 03, 2014, 09:10:19 am »
Hugs, she does sound rather OT at the moment. Did you want to post your EASY for the last couple of days? Does she give good tired cues? Could you just follow her lead for a day and see if she can catch up that way? Will she do a nice long nap in the pram or car?

Offline dache

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Re: Routine tweaking or something else?
« Reply #6 on: September 03, 2014, 13:19:24 pm »
She does have good cues. She yawns a few times, rubs her eyes and if she is getting OT she scratches her ears. Also if she is OT she takes my hand and covers her eyes with it, or hides her face on my shoulder.
But these are all out the window now. She still rubs her on my shoulder when I take her in the bedroom but that`s about it.

Yesterday`s easy
Wu and bottle 6
solids 8.30
nap 10.00-12:00
bottle 11.50
solids 12.30
bottle 2.45
nap 3.10-4.50
bottle 6.00
bt 7
wu 8.30 and was up until 9:30 woke up again 10.00(bottle), 12:00, 1:20 (bottle), 4:30 and every half an hour after that.

She was really up since 5.30 or 6
bottle 7
solids 8.30
nap 10.00-11:45
bottle 11:50
solids 1:20
nap 2:20-4:00
bottle 7
bt 7:15

As you can see there is less A time but she is still quite all over the place. 
I tried fallowing her cues, that`s how we got to 4+h of A time. But I will try it again for the next few days to see how things will go. And will give paracetamol before bt although we`ve been guessing teething for 3 mnts now and Im on the third tube of teething gel. 
« Last Edit: September 03, 2014, 20:22:49 pm by dache »

Offline dache

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Re: Routine tweaking or something else?
« Reply #7 on: September 03, 2014, 20:29:37 pm »
I honestly dont know what`s going on. Now she started waking an hour after bt.
I play music, I rock, I do pu/pd, I sing...
She is trying to put my hand over her eyes (I dont let her). She is not crying, just a little.
At night when she wakes she needs more time to settle and go back to sleep.
Any ideas to what might be going on?
Im thinking is she UT now? Do I cap napps?

Offline jessmum46

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Re: Routine tweaking or something else?
« Reply #8 on: September 05, 2014, 11:09:54 am »
It may be worth trying ibuprofen (if you're happy to) instead of paracetamol - I always found that much more effective for teething x