Hi just after any BTDT really, DS is 27.5 months old and I think is either having some developemental thing going on or sleep needs dropping....or molars or SA or I don't know lol!!
Day was WU 6/6.30
Nap 1-2.30 (capped) at home
BT 7/7.30
The last week or so we've been getting WU anywhere from 4.30-5.30 obv still tired but can't seem to settle back to sleep....speech is great and does really long sentences so wonder if brain on overdrive.
Settles ok for bed but started faffing a bit wanting to be tucked in, then tuck toys in etc but goes to sleep alone after a couple of call backs. He's very attached to me at the min won't let DH do anything and has total meltdown if I don't do whatever it is (although goes off to nursery ok)
Pretty sure all molars are through but chewing like mad again so wonder if teeth are moving about?!
Also think nearly ready for PT as tells me when done a poo and calls wees poo too.
We introduced gro clock again last night and when he woke at 5.15 camped on floor until 6am he didn't go back to sleep but chilled!
Just riding it out really but wondered of anyone had or is having similar issues