Author Topic: Help extend 13 month old's nap  (Read 719 times)

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Help extend 13 month old's nap
« on: September 12, 2014, 18:22:46 pm »
Mallory has never been a good napper. When she was on 2 naps it was a good day if they totaled 2 hours added together. I switched her over to 1 nap when Charla started summer vacation so our mornings and late afternoons would be free. She wasn't entirely ready but was close enough that she would manage 1.5 to 1.75 hour naps the majority of the time. Lately though her naps have decreased to just 45 min to 1 hour. The problem is her A time is already pretty long.

Here's her usual day:

6:30/6:45 wake up
12:15/12:30 nap
1:00/1:30 wake up
7:15/7:30 asleep

Normally she sleeps straight through the night. She falls asleep in about 10 minutes for both nap and bedtime completely unassisted. She seems like she could do with a bit more sleep but is refusing to take it. Also, before someone mentions trying an earlier bedtime, she was falling asleep at 7:00 for awhile but was then waking at 6:15, so her night stayed consistent, about 11 hours, but I prefer waking closer to 7

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Re: Help extend 13 month old's nap
« Reply #1 on: September 13, 2014, 06:37:30 am »
What about an earlier nap time? That's a really long morning and could IMO be contributing to the short nap as your LO may be OT?

What do you think?



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Re: Help extend 13 month old's nap
« Reply #2 on: September 13, 2014, 14:43:59 pm »
That's very possible. I have her at a set lunch/nap, so she eats around 11:30 and goes into her crib around 12. This usually gives her a 5.5 hour A time. I'll pull her lunch and nap 15 minutes earlier and see how it goes. Now that her sister's in school all day I have the flexibility of playing around with her routine. :)