Author Topic: What should I do ?? :(  (Read 1370 times)

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Offline nanavel

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What should I do ?? :(
« on: September 06, 2014, 16:38:50 pm »

It's been 1 month since my 4 months old boy doesn't poop on his own... I have to put a glycerin pill inside his anus for him to poop. he cannot poop on his own ... the doctors said leave him be...he will do it on his own...they wont give me any more glycerine pills. they said if you keep giving him glycerin pill he will get used to it.

He hasn't slept since 12 hours and he drinks very little milk.
btw.. his poop is creamy texture...he is not constipated.

any idea's how to make him poop ? I tried massaging him and holding him to a warm running water.... nothing happened.

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Re: What should I do ?? :(
« Reply #1 on: September 06, 2014, 17:28:52 pm »
Is he exclusively breastfed? How often does he go? It can be completely normal for an ebf baby to poop infrequently. My DD3 pooped once every 5-7 days when she was only bf. The fact that he isn't sleeping or drinking much woupd have me more concerned than the lack of poos at this point. How are the wet diapers?

Offline nanavel

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Re: What should I do ?? :(
« Reply #2 on: September 06, 2014, 18:18:31 pm »
yes.. I only give him breast milk... He usually cries terribly when he reaches his 6th day without pooping. he's never been past 6th day. he cries in a very scary manner..once i give him the glycerin pill  and he poops right away within 5 minutes only. then he sleeps for up to 6 hours stretch without waking up. he urinates normally... I change his daiper 5 -6 times a day on regular days.
but today and yesturday( his pooping day).. i changed 3-4 times..

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Re: What should I do ?? :(
« Reply #3 on: September 06, 2014, 20:26:38 pm »
Is he feeding well? Do you have any concerns about home not getting enough milk? 3-4 diapers a day doesn't seem very many. Is he peeing little would you say?
Cadan Dec 2009 and Colby Aug 2011

Offline nanavel

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Re: What should I do ?? :(
« Reply #4 on: September 06, 2014, 21:11:30 pm »
After he poops .. he starts feeding like every hour... by the time he reaches 5-6 day of the week ( he poops after every 5-6 days) He reduces the intake of milk and pees little, cries a lot and sleeps very less. Last week, he started crying non-stop in a very terrible way and if i touched his tummy he would like cry in pain. I put the glycerin pill in his bottom and within 5 minutes he pooped a gallon. Thats when he calmed down and slept for hours and hours and feed a lot. This has become the usual cycle. I went clinic to get some more glycerin pills but the doctor said dont give him more. He will get used to it. That's also what everyone else is saying to me. He just wouldn't poop on his own. That's my concern. He wasn't like this before.

I pump a lot .. so my milk is like more than enough!!! like too much milk.

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Re: What should I do ?? :(
« Reply #5 on: September 06, 2014, 22:30:35 pm »
I think you have to trust your dr that he will poop on his own eventually.

It might sound weird but when my DS2 was 3mo we started sitting him on the little potty at each nappy change. He would often poop as soon as we put him on the potty. I think the sitting position with his knees higher than his hips helped the poop come out.

You can also try laying him on his back and cycling his legs gently to help free things up.
Cadan Dec 2009 and Colby Aug 2011

Offline BusterB

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Re: What should I do ?? :(
« Reply #6 on: September 08, 2014, 12:35:30 pm »
From birth, my ebf little boy would go 12-14 days between poos. He too often seemed uncomfortable by day 6 and it would affect his sleep too. When he did poo it was usually creamy like you say - so it is not constipation, just slow transit and that babies use breastmilk very efficiently.

A couple of times we used lactulose that the Dr prescribed when we did think he had constipation, as we did not want to use the suppositories as, as your Dr said the babies can get a dependence on them, I really think you need to listen to your Dr on that. Most of the time we just had to be patient and when he was really uncomfortable (& only after 10 days) we used the lactulose.

Since he started solids at 6 months (he is now 1yo) things have been fine and now he goes at least twice a day :) and sometimes lots more... please try not to worry and unless your baby becomes constipated, try and let his body work natuarally - or get some lactulose which is a bit more gentle.
« Last Edit: September 08, 2014, 12:38:19 pm by BusterB »

Offline nanavel

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Re: What should I do ?? :(
« Reply #7 on: September 08, 2014, 13:40:12 pm »
Thankyou... today is my son's 10th day since he didn't poo... he is extremely uncomfortable... I have to carry him all the time for him to be quite but he doesn't go quite either. However, eventually he falls a sleep but when i put him back in his bed he starts crying again. I am afraid I will spoil him and he will demand to be carried all the time. I dont know how else to comfort him.

I have never heard of lactulose ... I will check it out in pharmacy. Thankyou

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Re: What should I do ?? :(
« Reply #8 on: September 11, 2014, 14:57:28 pm »
Lactulose saved us...DD was similar and we would give it to her every few days to help. Its not a stimulant so(from what my ped said) they wont become dependent on it. I tasted it and it reminded of corn syrup which is what we were using prior to getting the lactulose. We would put it in her bottle and then once she was old enough she would take it from a syringe.


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Re: What should I do ?? :(
« Reply #9 on: September 11, 2014, 18:05:26 pm »
With terrible constipation that not even the glycerin pill helped the doctor me to give my 4m old plum juice.
Maybe you can ask your doctor if you can give that?
I agree with the others about the glycerin pill. You should listen to your doctor.