Author Topic: toddler screaming in his cot  (Read 1035 times)

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Offline paulasdg

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toddler screaming in his cot
« on: September 08, 2014, 20:02:31 pm »
Hi, I'm really hoping someone can help as me and my husband are at the end of our tethers with our toddler who does not want to sleep.  He has never been the best of sleepers but over the last few months it has become unbearable.  We also have a 10m old who wakes between 430-6 so we are surviving on about 4hrs of broken sleep a night.
Our toddler is 26m and his routine is as follows (we stick to this as much as possible but depends on what activities we are doing)
7am breakfast.
10am snack
1030 (approx) nap
1230 lunch
2/230 snack
5 dinner
615 bath
7 story & bed
When we put him to bed he screams, cries and shouts for about 2 hours, he then sometimes wakes several times in the night shouting and crying, and is then normally awake doing the same any time between 530-630.  He is then quite whingy throughout the day because he is tired.
We have tried everything we can think of: PU/PD, controlled crying, changing nap times/lengths, give a banana or similar before bed to make sure he is full,change bed times so he is more/less tired, stopped tv at least 3/4he before bed time, night light, changed from sleeping bag to quilt, less/more toys in his cot.
I went to the HV and she said to stop his bottle of milk before bed.  This helped for about a week but then he got even worse.

We would be grateful for any advice and are willing to try anything!  Thanks

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Re: toddler screaming in his cot
« Reply #1 on: September 09, 2014, 11:53:37 am »
Hi there.

Sorry you are having a tough time of it. It does sound like he may well be a bit overtired by bedtime. The nap is quite early in the day and that leaves a very long afternoon for him to cope with. How long has been on one nap eh day?

Could you try moving his nap later to at least 12.00? Have you this this time before? If so, how long ago and for how long did you try?

Sorry for all the questions. At this age their needs can really change quite rapidly and naps can get later quite quickly so I think it's worth a try again even if you've tried a later nap before. You'll also need to stick with the new time for at least a week to see if he gets used to it. You could head for a later time slowly, moving it later by 15 mins once every 3 days or you could just take the leap and see if he copes with it.

You'll need to do lunch a bit earlier to fit it in but the nap should move later again eventually and lunch will be back at a more middle of the day time for him. What do you think?
~ Naomi ~

Offline paulasdg

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Re: toddler screaming in his cot
« Reply #2 on: September 09, 2014, 18:33:09 pm »
Hi.  Thanks for replying.
He used to have his nap in the afternoon (straight after lunch) but the same thing happened at night which is why we decided to try an earlier nap.
He has been having only one nap for at least 6 months.  We cut it down to 1 because he started refusing to sleep for either nap time and was then horrendously overtired.
Sometimes if we are out in the car in the afternoon he will nod off for a bit (as well as having his am nap), but unfortunately that doesn't help our bedtime battle.
It is so bad that I have even taken him to the doctors to make sure there is nothing physically worn that could be causing the problem.

His meltdowns are starting to disturb our other little boy, and we are starting to panic as we have sold our house and temporarily have to move into a static caravan which has v thin walls :-(

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Re: toddler screaming in his cot
« Reply #3 on: September 09, 2014, 22:31:22 pm »
It sounds like it has been a while since you tried a later nap. This would definitely be my first suggestion. so you think you'd prefer a slow and gradual move or a rip the plaster off move in one go to a later nap?
~ Naomi ~

Offline paulasdg

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Re: toddler screaming in his cot
« Reply #4 on: September 10, 2014, 17:24:29 pm »
I think I'll just try in one go and see what happens...eek!

He actually went straight to sleep last night and slept until 645 :-)  We hadn't done anything different so it really took us by surprise.  We found It so unusual for him to be so quiet that I was tempted to check he was ok, but decided that we were too wary of going into his room in case we disturbed him/woke him up!

Fingers crossed he sleeps again tonight!

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Re: toddler screaming in his cot
« Reply #5 on: September 10, 2014, 19:06:10 pm »
Good luck xx
~ Naomi ~

Offline paulasdg

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Re: toddler screaming in his cot
« Reply #6 on: September 13, 2014, 00:11:24 am »
It's not going well!  He is screaming constantly. I have checked on him and there is nothing wrong. Argh!!!!

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Re: toddler screaming in his cot
« Reply #7 on: September 13, 2014, 10:55:11 am »
What's your EASY looking like now? Is he screaming when awake or just when you try to put him to bed. What's the pattern?
~ Naomi ~