Author Topic: Is this the dreaded 18mo SR come early?  (Read 912 times)

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Offline lolsyb1982

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Is this the dreaded 18mo SR come early?
« on: September 10, 2014, 17:21:58 pm »
Something's been up with K for a few weeks now but the past wk it's been dreadful.

Lots of monkeying around at BT - I mean sitting in bed chatting and squealing/singing for ages, throwing things out of the cot, reaching over to the curtains and opening them.. Stuff like that.
That in the past has always been UT behaviour and although I have to say she's not showing any tired signs at BT that cannot be the case!
We're getting a NW, anywhere from 3-4 hrs after bed. Naps have always been great at home and poor at cm and this is still the case and she is asleep within minutes. The past 2 days we've had EW as well!

I have AP'd a fair bit the past couple of wks as before it's always got us through these phases and then she's gone back to being an IS again. I know that this needs to stop and actually it seems to have stopped working so well anyway so now what do I do? We've never had this kind of BT behaviour before where she just seems to be messing around so much and if she's been OT she will be crying straight away but trying to sleep at the same time iykwim? She won't even lie down and try to sleep at the minute.
I'm leaving her to it for the whole chatty phase but in the end I go into her when she starts getting too upset and end up rocking just because I know she's missing out on so much sleep.

I'm medicating before bed but not making any difference. Please tell me this is the 18mo SR and that I've not got that to contend with as something separate in another few weeks!

Offline MasynSpencerElliotte

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Re: Is this the dreaded 18mo SR come early?
« Reply #1 on: September 12, 2014, 04:53:15 am »
What does her day look like overall? Naptime, bedtime etc...just to get a clearer picture of her routine to see what might be the issue.

Offline lolsyb1982

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Re: Is this the dreaded 18mo SR come early?
« Reply #2 on: September 13, 2014, 13:02:27 pm »
Before the craziness began it was

Wu 5.45/6
Nap 12-2
BT 6.45

Now it's all over the show. Yesterday looked like this

Wu 6.05 (think it was a 9hr night)
Nap 11.45-1.30 (tried an earlier nap in the hope she'd catch up and have a longer nap)
BT - asleep 6.25 and put herself to sleep for first time in weeks.

So thought we were onto a winner but NO

Woke 9.30 and screamed and shouted for 2hrs. Then slept 11.30-6am

Today has been a complete disaster. She fell asleep in the car this morning on the way back from the shops just before 10 and had 15 mins.
Tried putting her down at 12.15 as she was showing signs and she went silent straight away. Assumed asleep but half hour later was whinging so went up and looked like she'd been messing around the whole time? Have tried again but completely refusing.

Think it's probably best to just do 5pm bedtime instead of a car nap what do you think?

She doesn't have canines yet but thought her gums looked a little red earlier. Can they cause this much mayhem? I'm at a loss now how to help her catch up as she's extremely OT.

ETA - she's off her food and was sick Wednesday night a few times. She hasn't seemed unwell in herself so just assumed something she'd eaten and stopped the next morning.

She's being so mischievous too and having major tantrums. It feels like the "terrible twos" are here already!.
« Last Edit: September 13, 2014, 13:10:04 pm by lolsyb1982 »

Offline MasynSpencerElliotte

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Re: Is this the dreaded 18mo SR come early?
« Reply #3 on: September 16, 2014, 05:01:12 am »
My DD3 is hitting a lovely stubborn, "me do" kind of stage too! Hope she is feeling better. Teeth can for sure cause DD1took months to teeth her molars and was a bear, but then I remember getting my wisdom teeth and feel bad because as an adult it was horrid much less for a baby! DD3 has a few teeth popping at once and has been having nw's all week long.

Offline lolsyb1982

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Re: Is this the dreaded 18mo SR come early?
« Reply #4 on: September 16, 2014, 07:28:14 am »
Turns out she has an ear infection and been on antibiotics since Saturday night.

Had 3 days of waking up screaming for 2 hrs. First night after 3hrs sleep, 2nd night after 1.5hrs. 3rd night after 45 mins and last night we had it at BT instead?!

It's proper hysterical crying and shouting, throwing herself around the cot. She wants to be picked up so you do and then she just starts kicking and writhing around in your arms.

We literally have to just wait until she exhausts herself and falls asleep. It's driving me mental. I'm not sure if it's just a regression type thing and I should be firm with her or if it's true pain and she really does need comforting?

Offline MasynSpencerElliotte

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Re: Is this the dreaded 18mo SR come early?
« Reply #5 on: September 19, 2014, 03:00:12 am »
Aww poor girl! I had ear infections a lot as a teen and they can be extremely painful, esp when lying down so I would suspect the discomfort is getting to her. Did they recommend using a painkiller?