Something's been up with K for a few weeks now but the past wk it's been dreadful.
Lots of monkeying around at BT - I mean sitting in bed chatting and squealing/singing for ages, throwing things out of the cot, reaching over to the curtains and opening them.. Stuff like that.
That in the past has always been UT behaviour and although I have to say she's not showing any tired signs at BT that cannot be the case!
We're getting a NW, anywhere from 3-4 hrs after bed. Naps have always been great at home and poor at cm and this is still the case and she is asleep within minutes. The past 2 days we've had EW as well!
I have AP'd a fair bit the past couple of wks as before it's always got us through these phases and then she's gone back to being an IS again. I know that this needs to stop and actually it seems to have stopped working so well anyway so now what do I do? We've never had this kind of BT behaviour before where she just seems to be messing around so much and if she's been OT she will be crying straight away but trying to sleep at the same time iykwim? She won't even lie down and try to sleep at the minute.
I'm leaving her to it for the whole chatty phase but in the end I go into her when she starts getting too upset and end up rocking just because I know she's missing out on so much sleep.
I'm medicating before bed but not making any difference. Please tell me this is the 18mo SR and that I've not got that to contend with as something separate in another few weeks!