Author Topic: how do I survive this growth spurt?  (Read 1111 times)

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Offline lrj

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how do I survive this growth spurt?
« on: October 02, 2014, 18:44:16 pm »
dd is 6wo and just today started waking every two hours (from naps) to bf. she seems to always want more but my boobs are just empty. must be a growth spurt right?
so, my question is, how do I make sure she's getting enough sleep between feeds? I don't want to supplement to help her sleep longer but I'd also rather not end up in an OT cycle or with AP habits

Offline jessmum46

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Re: how do I survive this growth spurt?
« Reply #1 on: October 02, 2014, 19:08:47 pm »
She's so little, don't worry about AP.  In a growth spurt what she needs to do is feed, and feed often to stimulate your supply.  Giving supplements will have exactly the wrong effect as your supply won't be boosted, so just let her feed when she needs to.  Within 48-72h or so your supply should have caught up with her demands :). It's normal for sleep to go a bit wonky with a GS too, so try not to panic too much if naps are short/wonky or she ends up tired.  Just continue to follow her cues and you will do great :)

Offline lrj

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Re: how do I survive this growth spurt?
« Reply #2 on: October 02, 2014, 20:36:05 pm »
okay, will do!
thanks for the encouragement! so easy to get freaked out when these kind of things come up...