This is a typical day for us:
6:30 bf
7:30 solids (just a little bit of finger foods while older kids eat)
9:15 bf
9:30-10:45 nap
11:00 bf
12:30 solids (just finger foods like breakfast)
2:00 bf
2:15-3:30 nap
3:30 bf
4:15 solids (largest solid meal, some pureed food but transitioning to mostly finger foods)
5:30-6:30 cluster feeding
6:30 bed
They do go to sleep at naps and bedtime on their own. They are usually very good about falling asleep by themselves with no fussing most times. We have been trying to not feed them until after midnight lately, which works some nights, but the last couple nights they have woken at 10:00 and we are not able to settle them back to sleep until I nurse them. If just one of them wakes, then DH tries to soothe him, but if it's both then I help. After their night feedings we also try to put them back in their cribs awake so that they fall asleep on their own again. We've found that after their first night feeding they are up the rest of the night every 2-3 hours and won't settle until fed.
If they're not ready to be night weaned, do you have any suggestions on how to encourage them to start lengthening their time between feedings at night?
Thanks so much for your help.