So it would appear that my breast feeding career is ending/ ended
Little Man only BF at wake-up and BT since about 12months. He takes water from an open cup the rest of the time during the day. I decided to try "don't offer, don't refuse" and see how he felt about it....he hasn't REALLY looked for a BF
. He LOVES the milk machines
- would put his hand down my top when tired/ seeking comfort (not looking for a BF, just I'm like his human lovey
) I'm happy that HE's ok with stopping BFing - obviously. It's the main reason that I decided to try the " no offer...." I was afraid that he would become too aware as time went on & then, at whatever point I did wean him, it'd be very upsetting for both of us. Instead, it would appear that it's just upsetting for me
I have THOROUGHLY loved BFing my children - & am thrilled that I could BF my Little Man for this long. Xx.
BFing is simply the best.