I think I'll have to slowly wean him off that one as he quite likes it but he's also so pooped by bedtime that he really may not care at all! Do you do a story instead or just bath, jammies and into bed?
I did slow wean at 12 months which turned out to be fast

What I did:
- introduced a 'supper' after dinner but before bath, small solid snack and a sippy cup of milk (as much as He wanted but it was a small amount)
- took 2 bottles up to bed, 1 with milk (1oz less than usual), the other with water as a back up if LO is not happy about the reduced milk
- do all BT routine as normal offering milk bottle when you usually do and only offer water bottle if needed (never was here but I felt safe with it)
- subsequent nights my 'rules' were to reduce by 1 oz every 3 days AND if LO took less than the full bottle offered then the next night this was the max offered, this way the oz go down a bit faster
- LO may refuse bottle at BT before the wean is over
- After last oz has been weaned do BT routine as normal but offer water in bottle only
- when comfortable switch to sippy cup of water taken up to bed to be offered in place of bottle
When I say do BT routine as normal, I never saw the need to take out any cuddles or add in any reading or change anything other than the milk. Whilst time giving the bottle reduces once it's been had just use the remaining time for cuddles and your usual song or whatever, follow LOs lead on when they'd like to get into bed, they might want a full length cuddle or might want to get straight in.
Whole process was tear free and complete in less than 2 weeks.
(we do stories pre bath, in bath and plenty of other times in the day but BT is a time he likes to just have 1 cuddle with 1 song and that's it, into bed and sleep. If you want to introduce stories at BT there is no harm but it's not a requirement either).
Hope this helps some. FWIW the morning bottle was harder to switch, we used a straw and tried for a few weeks, gone by 13 months. This remains his big milk drink of the day which he now has in a cup.