Author Topic: We are headed to 1-0. I think I feel a chill of fear.  (Read 926 times)

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Offline nevinsmama

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We are headed to 1-0. I think I feel a chill of fear.
« on: October 13, 2014, 19:20:49 pm »
I knew my little rascal would hit this before DS did! I just hope it doesn't get too ugly!

Ivy is 2.5 and has been faffing around at nap and BT for the past several days and I am pretty sure she is not going to nap today at all. A few questions if you all don't mind!

When did your LO start dropping? When did you have your first NND?

How long of A did you do before a nap at this age?

Talk to me about alternating nap and NND?

How early of a BT did you do on a NND?

We are on roughly this: 8:30 awake 2-2:30 Nap. Usually sleep about an hour. Up by 4. BT about 9. I would like to have some more evening back but this sort of works as we have time change coming up. What do you think? She has been in there almost 1.5 hours and NO sleep! Thinking 7:30 BT?



Offline jessmum46

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Re: We are headed to 1-0. I think I feel a chill of fear.
« Reply #1 on: October 13, 2014, 20:51:27 pm »
First NND at 22 months here, all done by 29 months!! In my book you've done well to get this far ;)

Our routine as we hit the more frequent nap refusals was WU 6.30/7, nap try at 1.30ish, give up after 45 mins to an hour if refused. 1h15-1h30 nap if went to sleep reasonably quickly, 45 mins-1h if she faffed about (I woke her). BT 7/7.15 on nap days, 6.30pm on nnds.  If she had too many NNDs in a row we'd take a tactical drive around 3pm and let her have a 15/20 min catnap. Maybe 1/2 times a week at nursery she would nap around an hour from 12-1pm.

I never purposely alternated naps and NNDs, unless it suited our plans. I just offered every day. Some people say to only do short days of 11h or so when first doing NNDs but honestly we found that just sticking with set BT -30 mins helped us.  It's different for everyone but I think 1-0 was actually the easiest nap transition we had. Not to say we didn't have OT meltdowns/NWs at times, but consistency and trusting DD to work it out worked best for us :)

Offline nevinsmama

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Re: We are headed to 1-0. I think I feel a chill of fear.
« Reply #2 on: October 14, 2014, 15:50:54 pm »
Thank you Katherine. This is new territory for me as DS was every bit of 3.5 or 4 even ( !) before this hit and I just put him on my bed and if he slept then OK, if not, then OK too as OT wasn't too ugly on him.

 I agree with offering nap every day, maybe put some booke and soft toys in if she is definitely not going out? I remember DS would fall asleep looking at books sometimes.

 I think that everyone ( especially Mamas) do better with a break in the middle of the day so as actual sleep goes down then I do want to bring in Quiet Time for her in her crib. I don't like to let everyone just get crazier and louder as the day goes on!

So last night I got a bit anxious when I heard her 1 hour in to her night sleep but that was the last I heard until I sent DH in to wake her at 8:30! (12.5 hours of sleep) And no middle of the night nonsense. When she was going to bed initially she rolled around and said "MOMI MOMI!" which is morning. I went in and told her, quite firmly, that it was sleepytime and she needed to be quiet. She was asleep 3 minutes after that!

Not a bad start I suppose, see how today goes! Thanks!



Offline Truly Blessed

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Re: We are headed to 1-0. I think I feel a chill of fear.
« Reply #3 on: October 15, 2014, 20:31:11 pm »
The 1-0 transition...Advice and Tips to help you through.

A link for you Honey, in the unlikely event you haven't seen it  ;)



Offline nevinsmama

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Re: We are headed to 1-0. I think I feel a chill of fear.
« Reply #4 on: October 17, 2014, 18:12:08 pm »
Thank you Vicki! Love the avatar too, what a grin!

Ivy is not doing half bad. No nap yeaterday and despite my best efforts did not get into bed into 8 (!!) but was asleep in 2 minutes and not a peep until 7 when she shouted hysterically for 1 minute and then back to sleep until DH woke her at 8:40.

A bit of resistance on the Quiet Time front but I changed things up with quiet music, and not in her crib but just shut in her room with an option to sleep on her Big BEd with lovey and baby doll if she gets tired. She came out to poop and then ran back in, gave me a kiss and is throwing a party in there now! I think she just got bored and mad yesterday.

The evening OT can be a challenge. She started biting and throwing food and just was so OT and mad at the world. Making a better evening effort for her to be in bed sooner on NNDs. WHich I think there will be a lot of. IN general, things are going better than I would have hoped for.



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Re: We are headed to 1-0. I think I feel a chill of fear.
« Reply #5 on: October 17, 2014, 19:15:43 pm »
Thank you Vicki! Love the avatar too, what a grin!

LOL, thank you too Hun, it's very rare Sam will smile for the camera, rather than make his best crazy face  ::)  :)

It sounds like you've got a good handle on what's going on with DD (she is adorable!)  Whoopedoo for that fabulous CU night, finger's crossed for more of those  :)


Offline jessmum46

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Re: We are headed to 1-0. I think I feel a chill of fear.
« Reply #6 on: October 18, 2014, 05:47:07 am »
Sounds like it's going well :)