Author Topic: Five and a half months - too early to drop the dream feed?  (Read 1998 times)

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Offline Lizzielulu

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Five and a half months - too early to drop the dream feed?
« on: October 13, 2014, 09:07:40 am »
My little girl is 5.5 months. She is small (five pounds four at birth and now hovering around the ninth centile).   On a typical day she will drink four oz in the morning around 7.30. She isn't hungry for it and messes around, popping on and off the bottle and needing a fair bit of coaxing to take that much. Morning nap of 1-1.5 hours. She is then hungry for her lunch (small quantity of veg puree) and immediately after wants her milk and has 5-6oz. Nap of 2 hours, sometimes a little longer. Hungry for 3pm feed, drinks 6oz quickly and usually only leaves a small quantity. Small amount fruit puree and rice at 6pm, then a 7oz bottle split between before and after bath. She either drinks it all or leaves a small amount. Bed by 7.30pm. Husband gives her DF at around 11 and she barely takes 2-3 oz and can take ages. She sleeps through it but sometimes fidgets and wakes up on being put back into cot, resettled with dummy. Because she is small I am not worried about her overall milk intake (my first baby was also small and had a relatively low milk intake, with no ill effects), just the structuring of the feeds. She should surely take a bigger milk feed first thing? It would seem to makesense to cut the DF but I can't seem to find any advice regarding whether this should be done before six months. She sleeps through the night (albeit she sometimes wakes for a dummy replug once or twice in the early hours - I'm sure this isn't hunger as she shows very little interest in her bottle at 7.30). Is it too soon? Any other ideas?
« Last Edit: October 13, 2014, 09:09:16 am by Lizzielulu »

Offline amayzie

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Re: Five and a half months - too early to drop the dream feed?
« Reply #1 on: October 13, 2014, 09:28:05 am »
It's not too soon to drop it- some people don't even start it so it's not a problem. I think we dropped ours at about 6 months or so. SOme babies start sleeping through more by that age anyway. It does sound as if she has had enough milk as she is having less in the morning. Babies are unlikely to have too little milk- in that they will wake in the night for it if they haven't had enough in the day.

The other thought is that at this age they suggest that you start with the milk before the solids as you want them having more milk than solids as that's where the bulk of the nutrition is. I know that's not where you have the trouble- but it might be affecting things...
Katy, Mummy to Hamish!

Offline Lizzielulu

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Re: Five and a half months - too early to drop the dream feed?
« Reply #2 on: October 13, 2014, 09:41:43 am »
Thanks Katy, that is great. I think we will try it and see. I might have to convince DH as he likes doing it, having seen her less in the day! I know solids first isn't ideal but she is having really tiny amounts, just little tastes really. I wanted to get her used to the concept before she starts day care. She is desperate for the lunchtime/bedtime milk after the solids so I don't think it s putting her off. She has no solids before her morning bottle. I've tried offering her tiny amounts of breakfast afterwards, partly to get her to take a bit more milk, mixed in, but she isn't interested. None of us in the family are breakfast fans, maybe it's partly that! But I'll try ditching the DF and see how we get on.

Offline amayzie

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Re: Five and a half months - too early to drop the dream feed?
« Reply #3 on: October 13, 2014, 11:41:41 am »
We went cold turkey with the dream feed and it was sort of ok- in that he had a 6 month growth spurt at the same time... fail- up all night feeding ::) But you should be right. She may wake a little more when she hits that point, but should settle again. Other people do things like reduce the amount you are offerring at the dream feed until there's not much there- but i couldn't be bothered with that!
Katy, Mummy to Hamish!

Offline amayzie

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Re: Five and a half months - too early to drop the dream feed?
« Reply #4 on: October 13, 2014, 11:42:55 am »
Oh- i'll just say that she may still wake in the night for a feed- this is still normal at this age, so don't try to refuse her a feed through the night if she wakes for one (I'm sure you wouldn't as you are worried about her intake- but I just thought i'd add that just in case!!)
Katy, Mummy to Hamish!

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Re: Five and a half months - too early to drop the dream feed?
« Reply #5 on: October 13, 2014, 11:57:10 am »
Hi Hon! Just popping in. DS is also small (around 20 percentile but was even smaller). We dropped the DF around 6mo if I am right, but I think he was ready at 5mo as drinking almost nothing in the morning. But I was so afraid and thought it is not possible that he doesn't need a DF at that age!!! You can even find my thread somewhere here:).
I did it really gradually for 2-3 weeks dropping from 150-180ml to 60ml in the end, and then cut it out. Don't know if it helped, but I wanted to give him time to adjust so he takes more on his morning feeds. And he now does:).

Offline Lizzielulu

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Re: Five and a half months - too early to drop the dream feed?
« Reply #6 on: October 13, 2014, 18:49:25 pm »
Thank you very much. I wouldn't deny her a feed in the night if she seemed hungry but she doesn't! I guess that might change during a growth spurt. She has kind of reduced the DF one point it was 6oz, now she takes barely more than 2 and really labours over it. I will let you know what happens when we drop it. Unfortunately she now seems to have a cold which can make the appetite screwy in babies ... so many wildcards!

Offline amayzie

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Re: Five and a half months - too early to drop the dream feed?
« Reply #7 on: October 14, 2014, 10:15:55 am »
There are always wildcards!! The only thing constant is change!!
Katy, Mummy to Hamish!