Author Topic: Confession  (Read 1114 times)

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Offline Kirsten~

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« on: November 07, 2014, 05:47:59 am »
I have to confess, I am just not enjoying BFing this time around, and I hate admitting it, but I'm looking forward to when I'll be done. I feel so bad saying that and guilty, esp when DS is just 12 weeks old. I don't know if it's bc now here are 2 LOs, and DD always wants to play while I'm feeling stuck in a chair nursing. Or if it's bc DS has reflux and toms of gas, so he squirms and pulls while nursing a lot. Or if it's that I feel like I've been pregnant or nursing non-stop for 4 years (obviously not really non-stop). And add to all this that I've been back to work for 3 weeks and man, oh man, do I hate pumping!

All that said, DS's sleep is still awful, and the idea of not having my boobs to fall back on in the MOTN makes me cringe. I'm definitely not wanting to give up right now, but I just feel bad that I am counting down to 6 months and considering weaning then. I nursed dd till 10 months and felt good about that, esp with since I relied on pumping 5 days a week for so long. Just wish DS was going to get the same, but I'm not sure that he will. :-(

Offline MasynSpencerElliotte

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Re: Confession
« Reply #1 on: November 07, 2014, 06:04:58 am »
I bf all three of my kids to different lengths and mixed fed them all at different ages...whether ebf would have been better for them perhaps, it was not the thing for me and I was unable to pump enough to offer bm in a bottle. The important bit is that I was happy and they were happy no matter how they were being fed.

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Re: Confession
« Reply #2 on: November 07, 2014, 06:52:05 am »
I'm due with my 3rd soon, and this will have to be a bottle fed baby (medical stuff). I BF my DS to 7mths and DD to 9 mths.

I understand what you mean about inequality  :-\, I've thought that too, when really what Heidi says is true. Our happiness and doing the best for each individual situation is the right thing.


Offline Kirsten~

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Re: Confession
« Reply #3 on: November 07, 2014, 18:27:18 pm »
Thanks ladies!!! I appreciate the supportive words. It's so hard to not feel like I should be loving this when I'm not. But I know that you're right Heidi- I need to do what works for us and keeps me sane and happy!

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Re: Confession
« Reply #4 on: November 07, 2014, 20:14:54 pm »
it is hard! sometimes i was envious of my bottle feeding friends who can leave the baby ALL DAY and go shopping etc.

maybe you should give yourself a date to reevaluate - like BF to 4 months or 6 months and determine if you want to keep going?

also, you have to BF ATC at this age and it gets easier when it is more spread out.


Offline Nymphadora

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Re: Confession
« Reply #5 on: November 08, 2014, 22:38:37 pm »
You've got to do what works for all of you!

Offline Kirsten~

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Re: Confession
« Reply #6 on: November 09, 2014, 16:29:57 pm »
I know exactly what you mean Heather! And for me to miss just one feeding is a pain. I have to either decide it's worth it to use some frozen milk or find a time to pump. It's never easy.

That is very true, Heather. We are in still in the nursing all the time phase. When he goes to a 4-hr EASY and I can go to pumping only 2 times a day at work, that will be better. I have given myself until he is 6 months, and I'll reassess then.

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Re: Confession
« Reply #7 on: November 09, 2014, 16:33:56 pm »
I found it hard with just 1 so it must be even harder when you are needed elsewhere with a baby attached to you! Sadly there are bits that we love about being a mum and other bits that are so great  :P.