Hmmm... I don’t know where we are at the moment. I’ve been capping J’s nap to 30 minutes for 3 days now, and simultaneously pushing bedtime back 15 minutes to 7.30 in the hope that he’ll shift his WU to closer to 6. I’m not sure how it’s going… The first and third day he’s woken up at the same sort of time as usual, thereby only doing about a 10 hour night, which is a bit shorter than usual. But the second day he slept til 6.10, doing about a 10.5 hr night, which is a bit longer than he was. The NWs have stopped, so I guess there is some improvement, but I kind of expected WU to have shifted by now. I don't know if it's coincidence or not, but the day before we got the later WU, he had lots of physical activity, but I can't fit that amount into every day as standard....
What do you think? His mood is good, right up til bedtime. Do you think he could be UT at bedtime still? Should I try and cap further? I kind of thought I might give it a full week of 30 minute naps and the later bedtime, but do you think that’s worth trying or would I already have seen an improvement by now if I was going to?
I’m also thinking his last molars are on the move and when the last lot and his canines came through we had short naps and EWs, no matter what I did. I’m half wondering it’s worth capping at all it if it’s teeth. I guess I won’t really know if it’s teeth or the 1-0 unless I try some things out! Any thoughts on next steps?