Dummy gone for 11 night, causing anxiety and teeth grinding 
Hello Lovely,
I'm so sorry I have just seen this, forgive me, but my goodness, maybe the ladies were leaving it for me because I'm your lady on this subject! (see link above)
We just got through this with DS and he will be 5 in January!

Feel better now


Every time we decided to do it something happened like sickness, house move and earlier this year and awful accident where he disclocated and broke his elbow, there was always something.
If you look down the thread you will see how I handled it, and DS loved it. We had a few nights of upset and I stayed with him until he was asleep. Then things got better after about a week, then 'Bang!' right back as if we had just started. We are now 5 weeks in and he barely mentions it any more

, although he did make a sign at school this week which read "Missing Dummy's" lol bless his heart. There was never a child more addicted to his dummy than Sam, from the day he was born. He was just 2 when we took it away in the day but it was such a huge sleep cue for him.
He is our only one, so I feel for you with DD still having one but I have friends who were in the same position, so I know it can be done.
I would go with the gift idea, and even the buttons as well if you and DH can't decide but I will say this. Whatever you do his reaction will be the same, because habits are hard to break, and like the ladies told me, it is a grieving process he needs to get through.
Prepare yourself for tears, and pick your moment. Are you sure you want to do this over Christmas

I'm not sure I would TBH, although others have, just my opinion, I didn't want it to take away from the joy of it all. Do you think him chewing the dummy is dangerous, are you fearful he will choke

If so then you have no choice but to go for it.
So as this is a late reply

You may already have started! Let me know your thoughts and how you are
