Author Topic: Help, Please Help! 2-Year-Old Ill and NOT Napping  (Read 757 times)

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Offline FrankiesMom12

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Help, Please Help! 2-Year-Old Ill and NOT Napping
« on: October 28, 2014, 18:19:45 pm »
Hi Ladies - I'm on my 3rd straight day with my soon-to-be 2-year-old not napping.  He has a cold and an ear infection, and was put on medication for it yesterday, but honestly it feels like he's pretty much been sick for the last month and a half.  First a normal cold, then a sinus infection, and now the cold and ear infection.

I honestly have no idea what to do about him not napping when he's sick.  He's currently upstairs, getting himself so worked up, I will end up going and getting him as soon as I've finished typing this.  If I thought he would sleep, I'd bring him into my bed and lay down with him there, but he thinks that is a huge game and will roll around and run around and play.  He's not the sort of kid who does quiet time well, so I will honestly end up resorting to putting a movie on and just trying to snuggle with him on the couch, which will last no more than 20 minutes and he'll be off an running.

He clearly needs his nap as his eyes are actually swollen he's so tired, and he's a pretty cranky, miserable kiddo.  I'm just not sure how to handle nap refusal when ill.  We are putting him to bed early (around 7 instead of 7:30) and he's sleeping until 7 in the morning.

What gives, I thought kids needed MORE sleep when they are sick?!  I typically put him down for his nap at 1 and he sleeps until 3 (I was late putting him down today at about 1:30).

Thanks for any and all advice, I'm possibly going to get a bleeding ulcer from this!

Offline Haribo2012

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Re: Help, Please Help! 2-Year-Old Ill and NOT Napping
« Reply #1 on: October 28, 2014, 18:45:16 pm »
Hugs, poor LO and you. Will he sleep if you go for a drive or walk with buggy?

Hopefully medicine will kick in tomor and he might rest more easily. Do you think it might be worth trying an earlier nap to see if it's actually OT that's stopping him drifting off into a nice sleep?

There is a sleep regression around 2 so it could be some of that too.
His night look good so on a nap refusal day you could try an earlier BT to see if he tacks on.

FWIW my DS never sleeps more with a cold always less....I just try and be consistant with naps and keep offering and you might find it just passes.

Offline FrankiesMom12

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Re: Help, Please Help! 2-Year-Old Ill and NOT Napping
« Reply #2 on: October 28, 2014, 19:23:40 pm »
Thanks so much for posting.  I think sometimes just having someone give me virtual hug and commiserating makes all the difference in the world!  Anyway, as I was finishing up the post he started to quiet and actually fell asleep!  So, hopefully this will break the pattern of not sleeping during the day!

Normally, I cannot get him to sleep in the car at all, otherwise I'm totally with you and would have gone for a drive!  (The same with the stroller.)  I also agree that an earlier nap time if this continues is not at a bad idea at all.

When your DS has a cold and doesn't sleep, how long to you let him stay in bed before you get him?  I don't mind if he's up there playing and/or talking quietly to himself, but when he's screaming/crying I can't take it!  (You would think after 2 years I could handle it...I've sleep trained and had many a night/nap where I let him cry it out and pull himself together...but I'm a mess while it's happening.)  I'm just not sure how long to let him go when he's not feeling well.

Thanks again!

Offline Haribo2012

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Re: Help, Please Help! 2-Year-Old Ill and NOT Napping
« Reply #3 on: October 28, 2014, 19:41:32 pm »
Your most welcome and we are always here to offer hugs and support.

If my DS was chatting I'd leave him but crying I'd try walk in walk out or gradual withdrawal but if it goes on for more than 20 mins I give up and we go for a walk.
We don't support any cry it out here as it breaks the trust between you and child. If LO is unwell I don't leave him at all to be honest I'd give him lots of cuddles and hope it makes him sleepy.

Sometimes we can only offer the opportunity to sleep and if they don't then the day goes on x