Author Topic: EMW 25 month old  (Read 936 times)

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EMW 25 month old
« on: October 19, 2014, 14:11:40 pm »
C is now 25 months and finally sttn after a terrible regression. But emws have reared their ugly head. I know her nap needs pushing but she is soooo prone to OT and them I get a 30-40 minute nap. I am also finding she is needing longer and longer before bed. Too short leads to emw. Here is her routine

Wu 6/6:30. (usually 6:10 or exactly 11 hrs after BT) get up at 6:45/7
Nap 12:30-2/2:30 I just let her sleep usually 1.5-1.75 hrs
Bed 6:50 asleep7-7:10

Lately though I am hearing her 10 hrs after bedtime just chatting away or yelling for me to get her. Yesterday looked like this:
Bed 7:15 (after 12:30-2:15)
wu 6ish
Ltn 12:30-3(let her sleep since she had her mmr on Thursday)
Bed 7 asleep after chatting at 7:30
Wu 5:30 :(

I should note also when we push her nap past 1pm she has a hard time sleeping. I think after a 1.5 nap no matter how long her first A time she needs a good 5 hours before bed or we get these silly chatty EMWs. Advice for my super sensitive girl?

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Re: EMW 25 month old
« Reply #1 on: October 19, 2014, 17:08:52 pm »

My R is super sensitive to OT too so I always approach any nap change with great caution. Usually an increase in 15mins increments - so increase A time By 15m and then hold for 3-5days, rinse and repeat until you get to where you want to be.

It maybe that your nap is not the issue. We had some issues at this age and then at 27minths which was developmental and for us manifested itself as a language explosion. Do you think that could be then issue? If so all you can do IMO is stay consistent wuth your routine. Rather than longer naps, I sometimes did the nap a tad earlier, capped the same and EBT to manage the OT



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Re: EMW 25 month old
« Reply #2 on: October 19, 2014, 17:34:07 pm »
Her language has massively exploded thus month. I think the regression we had over the summer was language related. I am pretty sure we are  need of a routine shake up. When I try an earlier nap and ebt wake up just shifts earlier. We were pretty much getting 11 ish hour nights with a 1.5-1.75 nap. Not great but the best sleep in a while. Any ideas for a nap time and bedtime? Should I be capping? The other day she slept 12:30-2 and 7:15-6:50. I was in heaven!

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Re: EMW 25 month old
« Reply #3 on: October 19, 2014, 18:00:26 pm »
Lol! At this age (shenanigans aside!) R was doing this:

WU: 6.30-45
BT: 7pm (alseep within 15m)

She borders on hsn so may be if your LO is ASN you should aim for a 1.5h nap and 13h day?

H x

Offline K-JDA

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Re: EMW 25 month old
« Reply #4 on: October 19, 2014, 18:51:43 pm »
Capping our nap to 1.5hrs and a 13hr day is what sorted our last EMW at about 22 months. We did a 1pm set nap and 7pm bed and morning WU shifted from 5.29/5.30 to 6.16/30 - it was great til molars started but that's a whole other story!! HTH.

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Re: EMW 25 month old
« Reply #5 on: October 19, 2014, 23:57:39 pm »
I think we do need to push the nap but capping I am not sure. What I do know, if she naps 2 hours and I put her down after only 4-4.5 hours she always mucks or have a super EMW like 10 hours after bedtime. I don't think she can handle a 13 hour day on a 1.5 hour nap though. Today after waking at 5:30 I held her off until 12:30 for her nap, she napped 1.75 hours and crashed at 7. But I am certain she will have an EMW tomorrow from too long of a day.

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Re: EMW 25 month old
« Reply #6 on: October 29, 2014, 18:05:21 pm »
Hi again, I moved nap to 1 and capped at 2:30 which gave us a later wu! Most days 6:15-6:30 with a 7 bed asleep 7:15/30 Yay! Yesterday she slept 7-7 had a nap from 1-2:30 bed at 7 as she asked and was up from 2:30-4:30am singing songs from Frozen. I guess a 12 hour day is way too short?
I think she is ASN.
Ugh. Now that her wu is later, do I need to move bedtime? I think 4.5 hours from a 1.5 hour nap is probably just too short. Also today she woke at 7:15 and didn't fall asleep until 1:22pm.

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Re: EMW 25 month old
« Reply #7 on: October 29, 2014, 19:57:47 pm »
I did find I needed to be a bit more flexible and push out by 20mins after a longer night. I didn't find that a slightly later nap mattered if on a near 13hr day due to overall awake time. I am finding that as DS is getting older he is slightly less prone to OT but UT caused problems mainly with EMW again.

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Re: EMW 25 month old
« Reply #8 on: October 30, 2014, 16:36:02 pm »
I am finding UT is our biggest culprit right now. Then she gets OT in a flash from not enough night sleep. I am going to stick with a 1.5 nap at 1pm and a 12.5-13 hour day and see where that takes us. She is really changing sleep wise!