Author Topic: 26 months and EMW  (Read 1069 times)

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Offline Eva's Mummy

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26 months and EMW
« on: October 30, 2014, 08:24:01 am »
DD1 has always been a great sleeper she is HSN (I think). Her days has been the same for ages now.

WU 6:45 / 7:00
Nap 12:30 - 14:30
BT 19:00

The past week she has been waking at 5:30ish. I have tried an earlier nap at 12:00an letting her sleep until her usual wu time (she goes to sleep easily and wakes herself after 2.5hrs). Then I kept her BT the same at 7. This had no effect at all. I have tried keeping her nap the same and doing EBT of 6:30 this got us a WU time of 6:20 but only once then she went back to 5:30 WU's

She has always needed her sleep or she gets very hyper and upset. When she wakes at 5:30 by 7:30 she is sitting eating her breakfast rubbing her eyes telling me she is tired.

I'm at a bit of a loss as to what to do. I'm getting really tired being up for the NF's for my 9 week old then being up at 5:30 for DD1.

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Re: 26 months and EMW
« Reply #1 on: October 30, 2014, 08:39:28 am »
Could you move the entire day and night on? So later nap and later BT?

Or she might be ready to reduce the nap length to keep her night longer (beginnings of 1-0) which you could try.  Mine was awful with a capped nap though and really needed a full 2hrs so here I moved nap and BT later.  We had:
WU 6.30
nap 2-4
BT 8pm
I'm not suggesting you move the nap as late as ours, it worked for us but the short A time from nap to BT wouldn't suit all LOs.
So the options:
1. shift nap and BT both 30 mins later and keep the long nap
2. shift nap later and cap at usual time 1.00-2.30, with BT at the usual 7pm

Another possibility: Did the EW come with the clock change? Has she just not adapted yet? If this is the case you might find putting her to bed 30 min later for a couple of nights helps her to shift her body clock to get past the 5.30am WU. Last year I moved DS 1.5hrs later to force his body clock to change for WU (then once he had crashed and WU was later I moved BT earlier again, back in line with the new clock time). I planned the same this year but it turned out I didn't need to.

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Re: 26 months and EMW
« Reply #2 on: October 30, 2014, 08:45:26 am »
Thanks honey. She is definitely a wee girl that needs her 2hr nap. Before the clock changed she moved from 7/7:15 to 6:20/30 then after the clock change it moved to 5:30ish so a bit of both I think.

I also think her bottom molars are starting to peak through and we are definitely having a bit of a language explosion aw well.

So do you think maybe try just 7:30pm BT for 2-3 days and if that doesn't work then move the nap to 1-3 then 7:30 BT?

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Re: 26 months and EMW
« Reply #3 on: October 30, 2014, 14:26:16 pm »
So today at the CM' s she short napped.

WU 5:30
Nap 12:30 - 13:55

So should I still push BT to 7:30pm or keep it at 7pm?

My beautiful spirited little angel

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Re: 26 months and EMW
« Reply #4 on: October 30, 2014, 16:33:49 pm »
If it makes you feel any better we are going through similar issues with my DD who is 25 months. I pushed her nap to 1pm and capped then have kept bed to 7. Her WU is getting later so I am going to start pushing her bedtime to 7:30. On a 1.5 hour nap she can barely manage a 13 hour day so lots of quiet winddown starting at 6:30pm. I found the longer nap starting at 12:30 was causing wus in the 5's and a big old UT/OT loop.

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Re: 26 months and EMW
« Reply #5 on: October 30, 2014, 18:52:23 pm »
I'd prob leave BT tonight as she had a short nap, so 7pm.
But then tomorrow I would push the nap 30 mins later, if she needs just slightly less sleep now (judging by what you said looks like 30 mins) then the nap coming too early for her will cause an EW.  If she really needs the full nap (like mine, he did better on full nap and a shorter night) then
set nap 1.00 - 3.00
set BT 7.30
and FX she will move her WU to 7am
If after a few days she hasn't woken later I would add another 30 mins to BT (so 8pm) until her WU is later, you could then bring BT back to 7.30pm. The really late BT is just for a few days to encourage her to change her body clock from the 5.30 WU where she is stuck.  She'll get OT with such a short night but that's what brings on the catch up night which breaks the body clock.

hope that makes sense :)

Offline Eva's Mummy

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Re: 26 months and EMW
« Reply #6 on: October 31, 2014, 13:52:20 pm »
ok so we start the big push tomorrow. I was a total wuss today, we were at a Halloween party and she ran and danced non stop for 2 hours, when we got home she wouldn't even eat lunch as she kept telling me she was tired and asking if she could go for a snooze so I gave in and let her sleep at 12:30.

Yesterday after dd1 short nap at the CM's 12:30 - 13:55 she went to bed at 7:00pm and woke this morning at 6:10 so at least we made it out of the 5 numbers   :-\

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Re: 26 months and EMW
« Reply #7 on: November 01, 2014, 19:13:14 pm »
Good luck for the big push then :)

Offline Eva's Mummy

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Re: 26 months and EMW
« Reply #8 on: November 01, 2014, 19:32:47 pm »
So far so good yesterday was

WU 6:10
Nap 12:45 -14:30
BT 7:30

WU 6:35 happy staying in cot until 7
Nap 1-3 (I had to wake)
BT 7:30

So we will see what tomorrow brings x 

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Re: 26 months and EMW
« Reply #9 on: November 02, 2014, 09:41:49 am »
Improving - vibes for a good day :)