My DS was 10.5 lb at birth and now weighs 21 lb at 17 weeks. He has been doing really well on a 3 hr EASY from birth - I was feeding at 7, 10, 1, 4 & 7 with one NF around 2 or 3 (DF doesn't work for us). However, the last 3 weeks, things have started to go a bit wrong. I started extending the time between feeds but he got more and more hungry in the afternoons and started waking twice at night around 1 and 4. I introduced an extra feed in the afternoon in case it was a growth spurt and this worked really well at first - he even STTN twice. But now he seems hungry all the time, I'm feeding 6 times in the day and once or twice at night and all his naps are down to 45 mins.
I thought that maybe my supply wasn't enough any more, since he is such a big baby, so I tried offering some formula top-ups but he rejected them. This weekend I tried replacing the mid-morning feed with formula to try and get him to take a longer lunchtime nap but he has had an allergic reaction to the formula (stomach cramps and rash on his face and nappy area) and he still woke after 45 mins.
I also worry that perhaps I am misreading the signs and it's not hunger but something else causing him to wake up early from his naps. Because of the short naps, we've had some days where I have ended up feeding him shortly before putting him down for a nap but he still woke after 45 mins. I don't think I've done any accidental parenting - he's very good at putting himself to sleep in his cot and settles easily with shush-pat if he wakes in the night but I can't get him back to sleep at naptimes.
Does anyone have advice for getting a hungry baby onto a 4 hr EASY? I don't mind doing one NF but two is a killer. Should I try again with a different formula to offer top-ups or replace feeds? Should I introduce solids?
Thanks in advance for any replies