Author Topic: OT due to sickness. just ride it out?  (Read 1009 times)

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Offline sunflower321

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OT due to sickness. just ride it out?
« on: November 06, 2014, 05:53:03 am »
Hi my little girl (almost 23 months)has hsn. Her normal routine is
wu 7.30/8
nap 1.00 uncapped 2-4 hours
bt 8.30
but for the last 5 days she has had a cough that has been stopping her sleeping at night and for naps.  One day she took no nap because she couldn't sleep. I tried putting her to bed at 7 but she ended up coughing so much she almost vomited and didn't fall asleep til 9.30. For her that's insane! She hasn't had a chance to make up for lost sleep because cough is still waking her but for the last couple of nights a cough waking is turning into a 2/3 hour singing and chatting NW which I assume is due to OT...
BTW I've had her at dr who said hold off on antibiotics for the moment. There's no decent cough treatment for her age.
I suppose I'm asking is there anything I can do to stop the OT do you think or do I just wait til she's better? She's exhausted. She's been awake since 3.45 and I can hear her at the moment (5:45) chattering away. Her cough is what woke her originally but it's not bothering her now. She has drunk a load of milk too since she woke. Obviously not a habit I want yo create but it usually soothes her and she needed a drink for the cough anyway.

Offline MasynSpencerElliotte

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Re: OT due to sickness. just ride it out?
« Reply #1 on: November 06, 2014, 13:03:01 pm »
We have been running a humidifier in our lo's room because of her cold and cough. While it is true that antibiotics won't help a viral infection, with a cough that bad you want to watch for signs in case it is turning into a secondary infection (my dr said to watch for rapid breathing/fever/indrawing when she breathes). What about pain meds? Might help her get a bit more rest and in turn help her get well.

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Re: OT due to sickness. just ride it out?
« Reply #2 on: November 06, 2014, 13:04:58 pm »
Oh and sorry forgot to actually answer your main question! Yes we ride out any sickness by using any means possible for sleep and then work on fixing any issues when they are well again. Often I find they go back to independent sleep rather easily as they just needed help for a short time.

Offline sunflower321

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Re: OT due to sickness. just ride it out?
« Reply #3 on: November 06, 2014, 16:56:45 pm »
thanks for the reply. Yes her dr said to start the antibiotic if her form changed, stopped eating, fever or laboured breathing. So far she's fine during the day and only affected bu night. Although I did think a viral infection would have started to improve by now. Anyway she slept til 10am this morn and napped from 3-4.30. So she is catching up. What would you suggest for bt tonight? I'm second guessing myself. Normal bt @8.30? Later bt because of late wu? Or earlier because of OT? I'm thinking normal but then i'm thinking after not waking til 10 will she go to sleep at that time but then i'm thinking she's catching up!

Offline MasynSpencerElliotte

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Re: OT due to sickness. just ride it out?
« Reply #4 on: November 07, 2014, 06:11:47 am »
Sorry have been at work all day and just getting on now...what did you end up doing? Hope it worked out okay!

Offline sunflower321

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Re: OT due to sickness. just ride it out?
« Reply #5 on: November 07, 2014, 13:49:53 pm »
no worries. I put her in at 8.40 but she didn't go to sleep til 10. Then she woke at 12.30 hysterical coughing and unable to breathe through her nose. I mean completely hysterical. I had to take her downstairs to the tv to stop her crying. Same thing happened the other evening after she had been to sleep only 20 minutes. But when she woke at 4 fron the cough she was fine. I think it's when it wakes her and she hasn't had enough sleep the hysteria sets in or else it's cos her nose was blocked and it scared her. Anyway she had a drink and went back to sleep after half an hour. Slept undisturbed until 8.40. I wasn't sure what time to put her in for her nap but at 1.15 she walked into her room and came out and handed me her sleeping bag! So I knew then. I think we're not going to get back to a normal routine until this cough is gone. It's tough cos she's grand during the day but then at night it hits bad.

Offline MasynSpencerElliotte

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Re: OT due to sickness. just ride it out?
« Reply #6 on: November 09, 2014, 13:48:41 pm »
Aww, hope she is feeling better soon. Lots of healthy vibes!