Author Topic: 13 month old waking every 30 mins after months of STTN  (Read 718 times)

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Offline Okiemomma

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13 month old waking every 30 mins after months of STTN
« on: November 21, 2014, 03:01:07 am »
My LO is 13 months old.  Besides a week here and there of teething, illnesses, travel, etc. he has been STTN for the most part (there's always a bad night or two at times) for months.  We have a good nap schedule, and he goes down for all naps and bedtime with zero crying or fussing.  He also wakes up happy, playful, babbling, etc. and seems to love his crib.  He typically takes a 2-hr nap in the morning after a 3-hr awake time.  Then he takes about 30min-1.5-hr nap in the afternoon after appx 3-hr awake time (afternoon nap depends often on the family schedule with my 8yo stepson).

About two weeks ago, he started crying hysterically at night. He was very inconsolable.  That seemed to go away but now he wakes about every 30 mins during the night, and the past two days he has even started waking from naps after about 30 mins.  It's progressively getting worse.  What in the world could cause this?  The past few nights I haven't been going in to console him because he literally cries for 2 mins or less and then goes back to sleep, only to do it again 30 mins later.

He has no fever, no cold symptoms, I've tried a million scenarios of clothing, blankets, heater setting, etc.  Could be molars but we were just at the ped 2 weeks ago and she said she saw none in sight and no swelling.  Would the molars feel this painful if they weren't even causing gum swelling yet?  I've tried giving him motrin before bed and those nights are no better.  With previous teeth, motrin would at least get us about 4 good hours of sleep.  I also thought it might be developmental because he was trying to walk when the issue started, but he's been walking like a pro for about a week now and the issue is still there and getting WORSE!  I'm thinking it could be an ear infection but wouldn't the motrin make him feel better for at least a few hours if that was the case?  He's never had an ear infection before and shows no signs of one.  At all ped appts, she always says his ears look clear and great.  And as I said above, he hasn't had a fever at all.  Doesn't a fever accompany ear infections?

Any suggestions are very welcome!  So far tonight he went down to bed at 8pm and has already cried/fussed/stirred at 8:30 and 8:45 as I type this.  :(

Offline MasynSpencerElliotte

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Re: 13 month old waking every 30 mins after months of STTN
« Reply #1 on: November 21, 2014, 05:42:06 am »
My best guess would be he is ready to switch to one nap a day...he was probably undertired but now has gotten overtired (it can be quite the vicious cycle!). Average A times for 11-12 months are 3.5-4.5 hrs so he is probably ready for a jump in A time. There are a few ways to go about it, either shorten the morning nap while bringing the pm nap earlier, push the am nap out and bring the 2nd nap earlier and cap it or just go cold turkey! Depending on your lo it can be a bit tricky to figure out what works best and what A times (some like longer mornings, some longer A times to bed) work for your lo.