Author Topic: 4.5 month old, 30 minute naps  (Read 1259 times)

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Offline Cvbaby2014

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4.5 month old, 30 minute naps
« on: November 18, 2014, 19:25:06 pm »
My LO has always been a short napped, but usually we can get one longer one in during the day.  Over the last few weeks, he only long naps have been after he has come back from a car ride and been able to stay asleep in his car seat. 

We aim for a 2 hour awake time, this has been the same for about 4 weeks.  He goes to sleep by himself, almost always within 10 minutes of being put in the crib.
Even if he has had a short nap, shortening his next awake time doesn't work, he will fight the nap if he doesn't have at least 1hr 45 before getting in the crib.

Typically he yawns and starts screeching at the 1hr 45 mark, that is our cue that he is tired enough to start putting down.

I have always thought that if he goes down easily and quickly, we have probably struck the right awake time.  But does his awake time need increasing?  He went through a fighting nap stage the last time we needed to extend his awake time.

I have pushed his first awake time, but this has still resulted in the same short nap.


Offline newkidontheblock

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Re: 4.5 month old, 30 minute naps
« Reply #1 on: November 19, 2014, 14:33:43 pm »
There is a wonder week at 4 months. Maybe you'll are going through it now. It wreaked havoc with naps for us. It became very tough to put her down although she was an independent sleeper before, and resettles became a night mare. HTH

Offline Cvbaby2014

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Re: 4.5 month old, 30 minute naps
« Reply #2 on: November 19, 2014, 14:41:39 pm »
I think he already went through the leap as we had a tough time getting him to nap at all about 4 weeks ago.  His due date was 10 days before his actual date so his leaps are early.

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Re: 4.5 month old, 30 minute naps
« Reply #3 on: November 19, 2014, 15:03:01 pm »
For us it went on for nearly the entire month:(

If you feel that it is the A time, you will have to slowly push it and hold it at that for a few days to see a difference. At 4 months, we were still at 2 hours. But then it suddenly jumped to 2.10 & then 2.20/30. Could you post a sample of your daily routine? I am sure one of the mods would have a look at it and be able to help you out

Offline Cvbaby2014

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Re: 4.5 month old, 30 minute naps
« Reply #4 on: November 20, 2014, 16:28:36 pm »
Here is a couple of days.... Keep in mind that due to low weight, I am feeding as often as I can...or as often as he lets me.

His wake up time varies drastically, anywhere between 6 and 745 depending on when his last night feed was.

His time to fall asleep varies too, but he tends to go down within 10 minutes.  This is massively improved since the 4 month regression when he fought naps leading to me extending his awake time.

We can get 4 30 min naps in if he wakes between 6 and 7.  If he wakes after we only get in 3 naps due to the 2 hour awake time.

Awake 700
S 905-940
S 1150-1220
S 225- 305
S 500-520 carrier
Last feed 630, followed by bed at 7
NW 1030, 230

Awake 710
S 915-955
S 1205-1240
S 305-345 he was put in his crib at 245 as he seemed tired
Last feed brought forward due to the fact there could be no nap before bed.
Bed at 645
NW 1230am

So far today....
Awake at 620
S 815 - 845
S 1035-1105

Offline Cvbaby2014

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Re: 4.5 month old, 30 minute naps
« Reply #5 on: November 20, 2014, 16:29:07 pm »
Fyi he will be 5 months old next week.

Offline newkidontheblock

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Re: 4.5 month old, 30 minute naps
« Reply #6 on: November 20, 2014, 16:56:16 pm »
What is his weight now? Is there still an issue? How often are you feeding during the day? Looking at your routine, I would say you need to push your A times a bit more and space out your feeds. Have you tried dreamfeeding? It might help with those NWs as they are all in the first part of the night.

If it helps, till recently, I was also feeding twice in each A time as my DD was also low birth weight and although she is fine now, it is a nagging worry. However, it turned out that I was encouraging snacking and after months of sleeping through the night, she started waking up again due to this improper feeding routine through the day.

At 5 months, you should aim for 2 x 1.5 hr naps & a catnap. We had to push our A times at 2.30 then. Push your A times for 10-15 mins and then hold for a few days. For us, I know an A time is working when the first nap falls into place. You can also help your LO transition sleep cycles using Wake to sleep or by going in an putting a hand on them at that point. There is a lot of information about this in the FAQs

Offline Cvbaby2014

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Re: 4.5 month old, 30 minute naps
« Reply #7 on: November 20, 2014, 18:29:52 pm »
No we have only known about his weight issue for a couple of weeks. I offer a feed twice in an A time but most of the time he only feeds at the start of the A time.  I am doing breast followed up by bottle....part of the issue is my supply.

He doesnt seem to be snacking  , i was worried about encouraging that...he either feeds or not.  And if he feeds, breast feeds are never shorter than 30 mins of real eating.

He was actually waking up more before due to hunger...obviously we didnt know that then.  Now that we supplement he has started doing longer stretches.

He is a weird one....ever since he was born, his longest stretch of sleep is in the second half of of the night.

I want to try pushing the A ... especially first thing.  His cues are hard to read.  He yawns early in the A .... but this doesnt mean he is ready to nap.

Offline newkidontheblock

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Re: 4.5 month old, 30 minute naps
« Reply #8 on: November 21, 2014, 00:29:55 am »
Yes, yawns can be misleading. You might need to keep an eye on the clock as you are stretching times. It will take a few days to stick. Let me know how it goes