Hi everyone. I'm the proud mom of a 3 month old baby girl and I'm looking for help with her food issues. Baby is exclusively breastfed and she started showing symptom at 4 weeks of mspi - green mucousy stool with streaks of blood. I immediately started a milk and soy free diet and the blood disappeared but symptoms remained (green mucousy diharrea after each feed, irritable moods, sleeplessness). I then started an elimination diet where I cut out milk, soy, wheat, eggs, nuts, peanuts, shellfish. Within days symptoms immediately improved and baby's mood improved and she started sleeping well at naps and at night! It was like a miracle had cured my baby. That was a month ago and I have stuck diligently to the diet. It took 4 weeks for stool to return to normal but after 4 weeks on the diet I started to see yellow poops.
Within the past two weeks though, symptoms have come back. The green poops and fussiness have returned and baby is only napping for 30-45 mins 3-4x a day. We use a bedtime routine with a bath a 6pm and feed at 630pm. Baby will fall asleep for one hour from 7-8pm and then will be up crying (while I rock her, try to sooth her) until 11pm. Then she's up every 2 hrs after 11pm.
I know we have a sleep issue but I think also still have a food issue as well. Any thoughts on what could have made her tummy trouble come back? What can I try now?
Thanks so much for any advice!!!